Notices by h (noname66666), page 2
@mushi i know, but im just pointing out hes famous and im surprised you dont know him >.<
@mushi this piece of gorgeous
I'm not complaining, James Franco posts his own Facebook statuses and that makes me happy
Saturday, 12-Apr-14 00:00:00 UTC from web -
@mushi but he capitalizes everything.. like, all his posts... its funny, i love him <3
i love james franco, but why does he capitalize everything in his posts and act like english is his second language? XD
@n0b0dy it was interesting
so sometimes i yell at my cat just for no reason, like singing loudly and stuff, and she sits in my lap when i do for whatever reason, but i started talking in a low deep voice, and she gets down and starts meowing while biting my feet XD then she went to lay down and growled when my brother walked by my room
@techdisk *hugs you*
@randomwonderbolt she looks happy
@meloetta D:
@meloetta nooo D:
@meloetta annon alert
@meloetta hmm you guys are yet to see me
@mastertdi yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
@meloetta oh ok :c
@meloetta can we do that today
@mushi haven't*?
@mastertdi jfk is best pony
@mastertdi jfk is my fav
@mushi im hawt no h8 pl0x
@mastertdi jk
ok guys this is me
@mushi i dont wanna show my face on this website, I wanna stay annon
@mushi no never
im excited, i made a gif of myself >3<
- what is the main part of this fanfare based off of? I can't put my finger on it, is it a song from MLP? and I don't mean the beginning, the beginning is the MLP theme, ugh I'm frustrated, help
Wednesday, 09-Apr-14 23:09:27 UTC from web