Laser Sight (1pony4all)'s status on Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 02:55:53 UTC

  1. Oi, so I'm sittn' 'er wit my sniper rifle, picki'n off Scouts one after a 'nother, when some bloak start callin' me a hacker. So I tell him to prove I'm hacking. He shuts up for a bit. Nex thing I know, I got 2 server admins breathing down my neck in spectator mode. So I decide to give'em a bloody good show. By the end'a the match, I was dominatin' almost all of red team and on the top of my leader board. They banned me from the server and left the reason for the ban blank. I ain't never been so insulted in my life... crikey. # #

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 02:55:53 UTC from web in context