Aaron Mark (traptin85)'s status on Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:28:02 UTC

  1. @roygbiv I know how hard that is. protip: do NOT look into they eyes of your cat as they slip away. god, i'm gonna cry just thinking about it. We took my 19 year old cat to the vet today. He has hyperthyroidism, and this is the 4th time we've taken him in so they could check to see if they had the dosage of the prescription right. We went into the office with the idea that if the dosage wasn't right, we would put him down. well, the dosage wasn't right, but the vet convinced us otherwise. My mom and I were both disappointed. we really just wanted the vet to agree with us. We really just want him to die, naturally, so we don't have to decide.

    Thursday, 14-Apr-11 03:28:02 UTC from web in context