LibbyLishly (libbylishly)'s status on Friday, 15-Apr-11 19:32:07 UTC

  1. @starshine Problem was, Tails didn't have a very well-drawn character in SatAM, because he was so much younger than all the other characters and they were basically raising him, but wouldn't take him on missions. That's a criticism that a lot of people toss up when they're attacking the show. So i think while they did imbibe him with some child-like fear, the creators didn't really look into whether he had a lot of confidence, or was shy, or what. I do know that later on, when he started coming in more, he was absolutely confident in himself, even when Sally was questioning whether he could/should do the task at hand. Soooo... I suppose his character could have some interpretation of that, but not enough to make me personally able to compare him to Fluttershy. And yes! You should rewatch the shows! They're wonderful! ^>^

    Friday, 15-Apr-11 19:32:07 UTC from web in context