LibbyLishly (libbylishly)'s status on Monday, 25-Apr-11 16:25:46 UTC

  1. @retl Gah, now i'm having trouble keeping up. Right; as a general rule, people don't read fanfics to read about the adventures of people's OCs in a well-known universe, especially if it's clearly just a wish-fulfillment creation for the writer. It's fine to self-insert yourself, but be honest about your faults and for the love of God don't make yourself flawless... or have some stupid little flaw like "I don't think I'm pretty even though all these guys are falling for me" (Bella, from Twilight... but that's less Mary Sue and more This Character Sucketh). But i think that's what you were getting at. XD

    Monday, 25-Apr-11 16:25:46 UTC from web in context