rubberjohnny's status on Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:43:51 UTC

  1. @digitalinsanity Very well. A classic duel, is it? So be it! *Throws down a magic playing card, teleporting them both to another universe. There is nothing but a flat platform suspended above a nebula...* Welcome to my Duel Zone. It is a new and inventive way to get rid of those that accept a Dischord Elemental's... Deals... Without upholding their end of the bargain. The way it works is simple: If you win, you get to make a wish and I'll grant it, then scamper off to lick my wounds. If I win, I get to order you to do anything I want for the next one million years.

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:43:51 UTC from web in context