??? (customanon)'s status on Friday, 08-Apr-11 05:37:49 UTC

  1. @mahvelpony I can't really blame MLP fans, Bronies have always dissed previous generations, and the people who collect. It's very annoying as a pony collector to see the surge of FiM fans who insist that Hasbro must market to them, or make what they want, because they think they have some kind of huge fanbase that should be catered to. the MLP community is over 11,000 people large but have not been able to get Hasbro to make male ponies, or adult female shirts, and bronies tend to throw fits to get what they want, berating long-term MLP collectors along the way. (notes: generalizations are general)

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 05:37:49 UTC from web