Patrick Reeves's home timeline


  1. !socalbronies !labronies Have fun tomorrow those of you going to the Burton exhibit!

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 06:18:31 UTC from web
    • !socalbronies !labronies hey all, I updated the thread about the museum meetup that I was planning, basically that if you'd like to come, you have to buy a ticket, as I guess this exhibit is a special event. Tickets are 22 bucks, unless your 17 and under, in which case its "free" although you still have to pay a $2 processing fee. I guess you have to specify the specific date and time when you buy online, so please pick Sun, Aug 21, for 2 PM. I would like to meetup at 12 noon so we can grab lunch first, 2 hrs should be plenty of time to grad something to eat before going into the exhibit. More details here: you may RSVP if you like. Hope y'all bronies can make it, should be lots of fun =)

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 21:12:29 UTC from web
      • !labronies !socalbronies hey again, everypony- so I just put up the details for the museum meetup that @Slapdash and I would like to have on the 21st of August. If you'd like to come, you're welcome to join us, its going to be a pretty casual gathering.

        Sunday, 14-Aug-11 20:37:46 UTC from web
      • !labronies !socalbronies Hey everypony. So, sry this is a bit short notice, but @Slapdash and I were wondering if anypony was interested in meeting up on the 21st of August. She's headed back to the east coast pretty soon for her last year of school, but before leaving, really wanted to check out the Tim Burton exhibit down at the Los Angles County Museum of Art. She asked me to ask around to see if there is any interest. I was thinking perhaps meeting for lunch before hand and then going go see the exhibit. If anypony is interested, please let me know, also what time works best for you.

        Sunday, 14-Aug-11 07:17:50 UTC from web
      • @crimsonvalor !socalbronies !labronies LOL Well, there's no real 'gathering place' around there, unfortunately. (Unless you mean somewhere to go for lunch?) So by going to the con, we could have somewhere to wander around, and hang out at.

        Friday, 12-Aug-11 06:59:26 UTC from web
      • !labronies !socalbronies I've been planning on heading to Frank & Sons ( sometime soonish. I haven't been in awhile so not sure how the pony market is looking, but it might be better than I remember with all the new popularity. Let me know if people are interested, and we can see about a Saturday to meetup, browse/shop, eat. Just a small casual meet & greet sort of thing.

        Friday, 12-Aug-11 06:09:15 UTC from web
        • @crimsonvalor Eek I'm not sure how far Burbank is from Los Angeles! D: But here's the info! And I'll hit up !socalbronies and !labronies since this info might be helpful to them, too! I'm not sure if I'm going yet, though - I'll be moving into my dorm on that day, but who knows? Maybe I can move in a little earlier. :)

          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 09:34:53 UTC from web
        • !labronies !socalbronies had a great time at the spectrum meet up sorry i had to leave a bit early hope to see you all soon

          Sunday, 07-Aug-11 00:47:29 UTC from web
        • !socalbronies !labronies So excited for tomorrow's SoCal Pony Meetup!! If you haven't yet, go to the page and RSVP, get directions, and get ready to PAR-TAY! If you get lost, email me at , and I'll help get you un-lost! See you tomorrow!!

          Saturday, 06-Aug-11 04:30:53 UTC from web
          • @jimbo Hi, Luke here. So did you send the postcard to PurpleTinker? I wanna see her reaction. You liking your fineflank pony? :)

            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 07:25:11 UTC in context
          • @pinkiefan Hi Luke!! I am glad to find you here on RDN - I'll add you to my friends list, once I can figure out how to work it, LOL! I haven't sent the postcard yet, but I'm going to be getting her address soon. I am LOVING my fineflank pony, thank you so much!! I forgot which other pony you said you needed - Firefly and who? I ask because I have a Firefly G1 in my baitbox, who looks fine except for no tail, so if you want her, she's yours! (I can also make her a new tail - I have Dollyhair here in the right color, or I might even have a leftover Firefly tail!)

            Thursday, 11-Aug-11 08:44:47 UTC in context
        • !socalbronies Hi there, I'm Necris (or Will if you wish either's fine) and firstly, I have a confession to make...I don't actually live in Southern California! (insert horrified gasp) I apologize for sneaking into your group like this but you see, I'm flying to Los Angeles airport on Saturday for a week in The Orange County and it will be my first time in America. The problem is, I don't really know anyone over there/here, so I thought "Who are the most accepting and fun and lively and generally awesome people I could ever want to meet whilst I'm there?" Why the Bronies of course!!! So i did a quick google search and found you guys. I was just wondering if there was any possibility of me joining a meetup with anypony/everypony? I don't think I'll be able to make the one on the 6th since that's when I'm flying. But any time during the week after that would be fantastic. Also, (clears touristy throat) any advice on getting around? Is the public transport good?

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 23:18:25 UTC from web
          • @zachariastargazer unless you are being saracastic, Will isn't spamming, he just screwed up the whole group tag so he deleted his previous post and reposted it with the group tag.

            Thursday, 04-Aug-11 23:20:50 UTC in context
          • @necris81 hey good to see you here unfortunately i don't think there are many meet-ups happening we had a few a while back so sorry you might want to try and schedule one just for the sake of it. If you need any help getting around the city or anything email me at since your asking about public transportation i can tell you dont have a ride ill ask and see if my dad would be willing to take us around ( me = under aged) we have given a bunch of tours of the area so i dot think it will be a big problem in fact we will be going to Burbank on Wednesday and that's not to far too Hollywood so. ( ya i know im assuming you want to go to Hollywood but i consider it a fair assumption )

            Friday, 05-Aug-11 01:01:12 UTC in context
        • @necris81 Public transit in large portions of !SoCal strikes me as terrible, but it may be better in/around LA.

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 23:00:23 UTC from web
        • !socalbronies !labronies I had so much fun at the meetup today! Had fun meeting everypony - can't wait to see everyone on Saturday again! To those who can make it, yay! Any ideas for more fun things we could do, anything to be improved?

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 07:35:41 UTC from web
          • !labronies !socalbronies I went down to the Irvine Spectrum today and arrived a little past noon. Walked through the entire place and didn't see any bronies. What gives?

            Wednesday, 03-Aug-11 21:22:26 UTC from web
          • Hello !socal bronies, at Knotts right know and there ain't many people, nice day too.

            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 21:46:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
          • @beatlepony @jimbo @slapdash @koneko @crimsonvalor @crayolabrony !labronies !socalbronies hey everypony, looks like I also can't make it on the 6th, I have a pending family obligation for that day. Hopefully I can make it down to one of these OC ones, one of these days.

            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 06:31:38 UTC from web
          • @slapdash @koneko @crimsonvalor @beatlepony @crayolabrony @tehtrojanpony Hey guys! I'm tagging you all cuz I thought you might be interested - ditto for !socalbronies and !labronies LOL! There's gonna be two meetups in Irvine, CA in the next couple of weeks (Aug 3rd and 6th at the Irvine Spectrum), so if you would like to come, please come join the Meetup group and RSVP! I hope to see you there!

            Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 07:58:49 UTC from web
          • !socalbronies !labronies so I think I kinda am a step closer to trying to make a pony version of more boardgames- today I went out and found some old boardgames at a thrift store- a copy of Clue, and a copy of Stratego. It doesn't matter if some of the pieces are missing, I mainly just need a gameboard and maybe some random things like dice, and some of the other pieces, since I'd be making new graphics of stuff anyway. I wonder how this is going to turn out... anyways, anypony who's intersted in collaborating, shoot me an email at I'm also on gchat with that email, so feel free to add me, I'm on all the time, i you wanna IM about brony stuff lol!

            Friday, 29-Jul-11 05:57:35 UTC from web
            • !socalbronies !labronies hey, anypony wanna chat on any IM?

              Friday, 29-Jul-11 03:16:31 UTC from web
              • !labronies !socalbronies if anypony is passing through long beach Westminster garden grove Fullerton cypress Huntington beach Newport beach Anaheim or orange and has enough space in there car for someone to tag along please let me know

                Friday, 29-Jul-11 02:25:02 UTC from web
                • !socalbronies !labronies THANK YOU ALL FOR A GREAT BRONY MEET UP! Special thanks to @physicsbrony for the surprise appearance!

                  Monday, 25-Jul-11 04:30:23 UTC from web
                  • !socalbronies !labronies it was good to meet you all at the meetup would love to do it again. ohh and im sorry i had to leave so abbruptly girl with pikachu backpack if you want to continue are chat i have a lot to say about feminisation in media and unfortunately i don't get to talk about it seriously because of my age and partly my gender

                    Monday, 25-Jul-11 02:52:16 UTC from web
                    • @slapdash If i remember correctly i was talking about Yuri ( lesbian anime series). Funny enough Yoai (Homosexual male anime) is more popular with girls then Yuri is with guys so Yuri titles are often done very well because unlike a lot of gay romances in media there main target is not the opposite gender of the romantic relationship (typically) So the writing is usually very understanding. A example i use for the defrence between yoai and yuri is that in a yoai lets just say it dosent take long for sex to develop while in yuri ,like an old favorite of mine girlfriends, takes 57 chapters for them to kiss and although that dose not mean much it does tell you that there not trying to be soft core porn. On MLP i like how all the characters are extremely independent although you have to take into account gender populations in MLP are offset. though it provides a positive image when many characters work and live alone. ( sorry i had to cut my thoughts short character limit )

                      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:27:54 UTC in context
                    • @slapdash Any way i think there is a great many of shows that simply do not show the female characters doing anything or show them being good for only emotional support such as Deathnote or better yet Bakuman ( if you don't like me referencing anime please tell me and ill find better examples its just that anime is a little more my forte) I think an interesting thing about MLP almost uses the characters faults as a base and builds there good qualities to build on that and this means if they fail at providing a good positive for the character the audience puts any future development in the positive. To be honest i don't think that MLP has good characters for women it has good characters in general. Recently i haven't seen to many male characters who gain much development. although this might be my own sexism kicking in. my favorite Rarity is a great example of a character which shows a empowered feminine role without being a completely against our common stereotype of women

                      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:39:34 UTC in context
                    • @slapdash sorry for my lack of progression typing on this site feels really awkward for me so just look at the points individually. anyways a big problem with the industry is that it always goes to extremes and people always take what they do to the extremes. so unless your entire show has very independent women it seems like its just a character or an abnormality. Many of the shows that try to go all out for feminism they often get put on with the stigma of the extreme feminist. unfortunately that is goging to be hard to get rid off. im not sure if you read a lot of feminist literature but they use the term neuter castrate in full seriousness. You can probably understand why quite a few men don't care to learn about feminist groups cause it feels like they are not welcomed, though thats not giving them excuse but at least we can understand why are forefathers and perhaps a few contemporary male feminist felt awkward about the movement.

                      Monday, 25-Jul-11 10:54:48 UTC in context
                  • !socalbronies !labronies T'was nice meeting some of you in Pasadena! The cupcakes were fantastic, yum! Can't wait for the next meetup.

                    Monday, 25-Jul-11 02:46:08 UTC from web
                    • !socalbronies !labronies Pasadena meetup is ON! We have been seated, if you show up late we are sitting in the back part of Barnies

                      Sunday, 24-Jul-11 22:25:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    • Applejack and I saw Dolly Parton at the Hollywood Bowl last night. Hasbro may not have given her a cowboy hat but I wore one to make up for it. Don't think I can make today's meetup, have a great time !labronies !socalbronies

                      Sunday, 24-Jul-11 17:21:52 UTC from web
                      • !socalbronies !labronies FYI all I will be wearing my bronie shirt outside of Barnies on Sunday for easy identification ...,black,mens,ffffff.friendship-is-magic-v3.jpg also please try to get there as close to 3 as possible as we will get a table around 3:15 =)

                        Saturday, 23-Jul-11 05:11:43 UTC from web
                      • !socalbronies !labronies here is some parking info for the Pasadena meet up!

                        Saturday, 23-Jul-11 05:02:01 UTC from web
                      • !socalbronies !labronies Pasadena brony meet up is just around the corner!!!!!! Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited...

                        Friday, 22-Jul-11 17:28:36 UTC from web
                      • !labronies !socalbronies I will be at the Pasadena meetup at barneys lids but ill be there around 11am so if any bronies have a similar situation and want to hang out or if there is anything you guys need drop me a line.

                        Friday, 22-Jul-11 21:54:57 UTC from web
                      • !socalbronies !labronies hey everypony. So, the other day I posted about wanting to maybe get together to make more brony-themed versions of boardgames? I was wondering who would actually like to? I suppose I'll ask at the local meetup this weekend, but just posing the question for you all local ponies who aren't making it to the little get together as well. That would be so cool if we could put something together as a local group =)

                        Friday, 22-Jul-11 10:54:30 UTC from web
                        • !socalbronies !labronies There are ponymeets being planned over at the MLPTP for August 3 and 6 at the Irvine Spectrum - . It's more of a collectors meet I suppose, but most collectors love the TV series too. Anyhow, it's a good chance to meet other ponyfans.

                          Friday, 22-Jul-11 02:39:14 UTC from web