michael (somoking)'s status on Friday, 05-Aug-11 01:01:12 UTC

  1. @necris81 hey good to see you here unfortunately i don't think there are many meet-ups happening we had a few a while back so sorry you might want to try and schedule one just for the sake of it. If you need any help getting around the city or anything email me at somoking1@gmail.com since your asking about public transportation i can tell you dont have a ride ill ask and see if my dad would be willing to take us around ( me = under aged) we have given a bunch of tours of the area so i dot think it will be a big problem in fact we will be going to Burbank on Wednesday and that's not to far too Hollywood so. ( ya i know im assuming you want to go to Hollywood but i consider it a fair assumption )

    Friday, 05-Aug-11 01:01:12 UTC from web in context