Kevin's home timeline


  1. @appleshydash !ohiobronies Quite, I leave in early September for school, and I would love to see one before summer ends.

    Thursday, 28-Jul-11 00:24:35 UTC from web
  2. !ohiobronies So, when's the next meetup, gentlementlemen?

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 19:31:46 UTC from web
  3. !ohiobronies Awesome meetup yesterday ya'll :D Momo² loved having us there, so future meetups are possible and likely there. We started a Google group mailing list for everypony from Ohio, too!

    Sunday, 24-Jul-11 22:38:58 UTC from web
    • !ohiobronies We made a mailing list, some of you may have received invites. Those who did not you can join by going here -

      Sunday, 24-Jul-11 22:03:50 UTC from web
      • !ohiobronies Had an awesome time last night and look forward to the next meet!

        Sunday, 24-Jul-11 18:38:05 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies My pony haul from today!! - -- -- -- We also got one of the giant G4 Pinkie Pie plushies...but I forgot to take a photo.

          Sunday, 24-Jul-11 04:06:08 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies I hope you guys had a good time, can;t wait for the next meetup.

          Sunday, 24-Jul-11 06:26:28 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies Wow, just wow. That was 20% cooler than expected. Can't wait to meet up again!

            Sunday, 24-Jul-11 04:25:06 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies I had a lot of fun tonight guys!

            Sunday, 24-Jul-11 04:23:43 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies @trombe, @rpb3000, and I all made it home safely. I will be uploading photos of all of the pony stuff I acquired today.

              Sunday, 24-Jul-11 03:47:49 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies indeed, the meetup was fantastic. I was the dude with the stripey gray shirt and glasses who was singing a lot and fussing over Fluttershy's mane. Wow that totally sounds manly as hell amirite

              Sunday, 24-Jul-11 02:36:44 UTC from web
            • The !ohiobronies meet was awesome!!! Got to meet some awesome people. I will update more later.

              Sunday, 24-Jul-11 02:33:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
              • !ohiobronies ohwat now I'm running late. Leaving now gaaaah

                Saturday, 23-Jul-11 19:02:43 UTC from web
                • totally slacking off on getting ready for !ohiobronies meetup because it's only a dozen or so blocks away from me lawl

                  Saturday, 23-Jul-11 17:27:20 UTC from web
                • Yay! Getting ready to head to Columbus for the !ohiobronies meet.

                  Saturday, 23-Jul-11 15:11:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  • So who is excited for the !ohiobronies meet today? I know I am!!

                    Saturday, 23-Jul-11 13:34:16 UTC from web
                    • Off to bed now, I have to get up early to head off to the !ohiobronies meet. Sooo excited about the meet.

                      Saturday, 23-Jul-11 06:47:56 UTC from web
                      • !ohiobronies I have a 50% chance of coming, I hope I can!

                        Saturday, 23-Jul-11 04:32:16 UTC from web
                        • !ohiobronies Reminder the meet will start at 3pm at Momo2. Can't wait to meet everyone!

                          Saturday, 23-Jul-11 03:23:33 UTC from web
                          • Packing stuff for the !ohiobronies meet tomorrow!

                            Friday, 22-Jul-11 17:41:37 UTC from web
                            • !ohiobronies We will be meeting at Momo2 around 3pm. We will be watching MLP:FIM on a projection screen during the meet. At some point some of us can venture to the nearby Target for pony stuff buying. Then we can go back to Momo2 for pony styling. There will also be a panel on how to make friendship bracelets and a beginners pony customizing panel. You can RSVP by email ( OR on here. Let me know if you have any questions!

                              Friday, 22-Jul-11 15:34:54 UTC from web
                              • So who is all excited for the !ohiobronies meet tomorrow?

                                Friday, 22-Jul-11 15:10:32 UTC from web
                              • @starshine !ohiobronies after long debate, I think i'll wait for the cleveland meetup. Thanks for the ride offer.

                                Friday, 22-Jul-11 07:21:33 UTC from web
                                • !ohiobronies Good to hear there will be plans for a Cleveland meet. Melt has very good food, but yeah the wait is very long. I've heard if you get there right when they open you can get a seat pretty quick though.

                                  Friday, 22-Jul-11 06:24:25 UTC from web
                                  • !ohiobronies We have 25-30 people confirmed and another 34 are maybes.

                                    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 17:59:54 UTC from web
                                  • Decided I'm 100% for sure attending the !ohiobronies meet! Chocolate for all!

                                    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 15:49:28 UTC from web
                                    • @mrblud !ohiobronies if we WERE to have one here, the only things I could see us going to as a group would be The Melt, Hard Rock, or one the three restaurants in Valley View (Quaker State, Champs, or Hoggy's).

                                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 05:12:41 UTC from web
                                    • !ohiobronies Found out I won't be able to make it on the 23rd. Hopefully the next one I can though. Are there any plans on doing one closer to Cleveland?

                                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 04:05:34 UTC from web
                                    • Also while I was looking at the weather I checked what it would be on Saturday. It says 40% of Thunderstorms. !ohiobronies

                                      Wednesday, 20-Jul-11 01:00:42 UTC from web
                                    • @argembarger @customanon @salseh !ohiobronies I'd be down for an Cleveland-ish area meetup. I can't make Columbus on the 23rd. =(

                                      Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 18:27:36 UTC from web