Kevin's home timeline


  1. !ohiobronies Around 25 bronies confirmed for the meet and 35 maybes.

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 02:30:51 UTC from web
  2. !ohiobronies Hey I was wondering if any Dayton or Columbus people would be willing to come pick up @rpb3000, @trombe, and I early on Saturday? The ride I did have planned fell through. We live in Springfield.

    Monday, 18-Jul-11 19:46:33 UTC from web
    • @customanon @salseh !ohiobronies heck, I'd probably make the drive up there from Columbus/Dayton depending on what day of the week it is.

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 19:08:05 UTC from web
      • @customanon !ohiobronies That's what I'd like to see also, A Cleveland meetup.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 18:46:06 UTC from web
        • !ohiobronies @darklycute I own absolutely no MLP clothing. It's quite shameful. Perhaps I'll be able to pick something up before the meetup but I kind of doubt it. In which case I'll just wear... something nice?

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 12:50:29 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies what is the likelihood of getting together a Cleveland-area meet before the start of college in late August? :)

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 08:16:04 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies What is everyone gonna wear to the meet? I will be wearing my Equestria Postal Service shirt.

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 03:03:10 UTC from web
          • !ohiobronies Just wanted to let you guys know we have a Flankbook group here -

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:55:52 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies so... Pony Karaoke at Momo2? Looks like EqD linked WWU and Art of the Dress karaokes. Would we be able to make something like that happen while we're there?

              Sunday, 17-Jul-11 18:56:23 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies The meet will be at Momo2 and it will start at 3pm and go until whenever. We will be watching MLP:FIM on a projection screen during the meet. At some point some of us can venture to the nearby Target for pony stuff buying. Then we can go back to Momo2 for pony styling. I will also be showing people how to make friendship bracelets. I can also help people start customizing ponies if they would like. Anyways I can't wait to meet everyone!

              Sunday, 17-Jul-11 04:15:23 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies @darklycute is Momo2 still up for discussion or has that been finalized? Facebook group indicates that it is the plan. That said, I'm fine with it - it brings this event conveniently close to me, haha.

              Saturday, 16-Jul-11 14:50:31 UTC from web
            • So we have about 20-25 confirmed and another 30 that are maybes. Also we are thinking of moving the meet to Momo2 since it would be a lot cheaper and possibly do the Dave & Busters thing another time. Thoughts? !ohiobronies

              Saturday, 16-Jul-11 01:56:43 UTC from web
            • @abigpony @stumperman07 I love peoples reactions to me customizing things... @rpb3000 always gets freaked out when i take my dolls apart to change eye chips or switch bodies.

              Saturday, 16-Jul-11 02:13:28 UTC from web
            • !ohiobronies just for the record you can consider me confirmed.

              Friday, 15-Jul-11 20:27:09 UTC from web
              • hello, sorry I don't really know how to use this site. But I would like to attend the Ohio meet up if I can

                Friday, 15-Jul-11 01:52:40 UTC from web
              • !ohiobronies LETS DO THIS!!!!! I can get my friend to go too, so that's 2 more if that's ok?

                Thursday, 14-Jul-11 19:19:22 UTC from web
              • !ohiobronies oh god, July 23 meetup, yes please

                Thursday, 14-Jul-11 12:01:21 UTC from web
                • Since I failed at this tagging thing last time, let me try again: !ohiobronies Wish I was down there for college that week, instead I'm stuck up in Lorain on summer break. Oh well, maybe next time.

                  Thursday, 14-Jul-11 05:24:46 UTC from web
                  • !ohiobronies Aha! Scratch what I said yesterday. I can make it! I'll be traveling down with two of my buddies, see ya then!

                    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 22:31:56 UTC from web
                  • Ok still 17 confirmed and now we have 25 maybes. !ohiobronies

                    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:15:38 UTC from web
                    • !ohiobronies I may be coming

                      Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 09:54:31 UTC from web
                      • !ohiobronies

                        Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 09:53:55 UTC from web
                        • !ohiobronies Read about the meet up while lurking Equestria Daily. This sounds like a lot of fun. Not sure if I will be able to make it though I'm house/dog sitting that week. I leave near Cleveland and I don't think my friend would be happy with me leaving her puppies alone to take a mini road trip. ;p I will have to talk with her about when they think they are getting back home.

                          Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 07:37:34 UTC from web
                          • !ohiobronies 17 confirmed and 21 maybes now! I didnt realize there were this many of us in Ohio to be honest. Can't wait to meet everyone!

                            Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 06:16:50 UTC from web
                          • !ohiobronies Ah, I wish I was able. Cleveland to C-bus is quite the distance without a job. Make sure it's epic! Get pictures up on the facebook page also.

                            Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 00:01:06 UTC from web
                          • !ohiobronies 15 confirmed and 20 maybes.

                            Monday, 11-Jul-11 22:01:24 UTC from web