Kyle T.'s home timeline


  1. Anypony know where i can find a post, I'n Which i can find a post about why someone like MLP?

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 16:55:47 UTC from web
  2. Welp, I'm done my fursona sketch. Should I post it here first before I work on it in Inkscape? :3

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 05:30:58 UTC from web
  3. So tempted to try making Shin Megami Tensei: Ponysona. So tempting.

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 04:23:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  4. @tenmihara i almost beat you but then i took a bannana peel to the weel

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 04:27:10 UTC from web
  5. @tenmihara want to race?

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 04:05:24 UTC from web
  6. @tenmihara let me look for it

    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 04:07:27 UTC from web
    • So anypony know if there is a new episode Saturday? 1. Because my cable is broke right now and Can't check. and 2. I wanna sleep in for some reason.

      Thursday, 05-Jan-12 02:27:04 UTC from web
    • @abigpony that's what im doing, I just didn't realize that it would come out the way it did. Good news is that I can just take some pipes off and make it 5ft and when i need the extra space i can make it 10ft again

      Thursday, 05-Jan-12 00:52:56 UTC from web
      • So I just got the PVC pipe for my green screen and after seeing it put together, figured out, I derped

        Thursday, 05-Jan-12 00:18:57 UTC from web
        • @zarkanorf It's simple, LOVE AND TOLERANCE

          Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 22:34:16 UTC from web
          • @zarkanorf Ya, I got that kinda got that same think when I did a MLP bit for a graphics project. Well actually it was a fellow fur who questioned me for being a bro, but after telling him that there isn't that much diff between furs and ponies, I think I got him to understand.

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 22:31:14 UTC from web
          • I need a RD shirt or w/e to go with my white fur hat that I wear around to symbolise that I don't care what anyone thinks >~>o>~>

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 22:25:37 UTC from web
          • @purplephish20 board....*scooting around room* no bros in my area

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 22:09:18 UTC from web
          • @miloth Pleas, *Pinkie Pie* Evil beware we have cupcakes!

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:52:51 UTC from web
          • @zarkanorf I agree with ja. It was good and its always the silent ones....

            Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:54:47 UTC from web
            • @emofluttershy >->_>-> epic....

              Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:50:13 UTC from web
              • For some reason I want to play metal gear...

                Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:47:09 UTC from web
                • Another reason to love Pinkie

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 21:31:58 UTC from web
                • @derps ha, my derp

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 20:41:56 UTC from web
                • @derpy Oh pleas, what is she going to do. Now Pinkamenia is another story >.>x>.>

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 20:41:30 UTC from web
                • I'll put a proper introduction when I get my green screen set up and start braking the 4th wall XD

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 20:36:44 UTC from web
                • !chibronies *Fluttershy-cackles* The website is being built as we speak!! Equestria Inspired lives! Now, it's up to the rest of you Bronies to help contribute! :D

                  Monday, 05-Dec-11 10:11:50 UTC from web
                • Hey every pony, I just recently joined and I'm looking for some ponies that are in my area

                  Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 20:32:35 UTC from web