Kyle T.'s home timeline


  1. @ponydude I'm not even sure I have one yet, don't remember going online with my !3DS at all. I'll go check and if I do I will. xD

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 05:39:12 UTC from web
  2. I'm loving how popular the !3ds is becoming. Got 6 Street Passes in under 1 hour.

    Monday, 23-Jan-12 23:02:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  3. So, anyways, some time ago, I added a bunch of the friend codes in !3DS group to my 3ds friends list and they're all still provisional. And by some time ago, I mean shortly after Christmas. #

    Monday, 23-Jan-12 05:45:22 UTC from web

      Saturday, 21-Jan-12 15:14:46 UTC from web
      • For all my Bronies and Pegasisters in America, are you not totaly buckin' murdocked at this whole SOPA thing?!?!

        Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 20:18:05 UTC from web
      • kk. g'night everypony. gonna go hit the hay. ttyl

        Monday, 16-Jan-12 04:34:36 UTC from web
      • considering I'm new... is this just a chat room,or also a group?I feel so noobish asking this question ._.

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:54:37 UTC from web
      • !3ds Anypony find it too easy to beat Grand Prix's with a 3 star rating in Mario Kart 7?

        Saturday, 14-Jan-12 07:42:44 UTC from web
      • @thatonepony Tetris.

        Friday, 13-Jan-12 04:45:00 UTC from web
      • So my father wants to take me to this "club" and he tells me that its a rule that I can't wear jeans. How stupid is that....pleas for the love of Celestia, is there any South Cali bros in the area >->_>->

        Monday, 09-Jan-12 19:18:50 UTC from web
        • Can anyone answer this math question

          Sunday, 08-Jan-12 19:27:42 UTC from web
          • @thatonepony That's how Molestia gets her victomes XD

            Sunday, 08-Jan-12 19:26:09 UTC from web
          • Yeeeeeah, Sunday, lets go Lakers right !socal losers- I mean bronies?

            Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:40:02 UTC from web
            • !3ds If Funky Kong was the most overpowered character in Mario Kart Wii, then Metal Mario must be the new Funky Kong.

              Sunday, 08-Jan-12 08:33:05 UTC from web
              • I'll join !3DS for the sake of my brother allowing me to play it.

                Sunday, 08-Jan-12 07:52:59 UTC from web
              • The moment where you have no idea how to add people.

                Sunday, 08-Jan-12 07:45:25 UTC from web
              • playing MARIO KART 7! VROOM BEEP BEEP OUTTA MY WAY

                Sunday, 08-Jan-12 07:38:09 UTC from web
              • Anyone know the answer

                Sunday, 08-Jan-12 05:57:27 UTC from web
                • Whoa! My girlfriend has been talking to Andrea Libman and Ashleigh Ball in a bathroom.

                  Saturday, 07-Jan-12 22:10:52 UTC from web
                • I HAVE to go to BroNYcon Summer 2012. Lauren Faust will be there! (And I hope Andrea Libman again. Pinkie Pie is best pony.) Now I just need at least $40...

                  Saturday, 07-Jan-12 21:25:59 UTC from web
                • Hanging around town today, I got an FiM magazine. It came with Stickers and all sorts of fun puzzles, it's glorious. The best part is how my girlfriend is the one who got it for me xD

                  Saturday, 07-Jan-12 21:26:49 UTC from web
                • Any pony here a video editor and also have Skype?

                  Saturday, 07-Jan-12 21:07:06 UTC from web
                • @yodelerty I just remembered. I made you and a few others admin in the !3ds group, because you seem to be the most active in it.

                  Saturday, 07-Jan-12 03:03:05 UTC from web
                • Gonna play some Mario Kart 7. If anypony's interested in joining, they're more than welcome to. !3ds

                  Friday, 06-Jan-12 22:03:09 UTC from web
                  • *Changes !RDNrefrech back to normal [ my preference is 20 sec when busy , 30 sec. when slow . ]

                    Friday, 06-Jan-12 01:54:09 UTC from web
                  • Bluh.

                    Friday, 06-Jan-12 00:58:35 UTC from web
                  • Is it a sign when you keep seeing a ad from amazon about MLP FMI stuff that I should go out and get one?

                    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 18:44:03 UTC from web
                  • I swear, my Web Tech teacher is as bad as my mom about embarassing me over anything pony-related.

                    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 17:40:32 UTC from web
                  • Who's a silly pony? Not Dr. Applejack, quantum physicist!

                    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 13:52:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Hola

                    Thursday, 05-Jan-12 14:58:05 UTC from web