schocke's home timeline


  1. !eqg Have a review for War of Harmony IV, an RPG made by some guy named Marshal Ruffy.

    Monday, 18-Nov-13 21:50:49 UTC from web
    • !eqg Also, I hope you're satisfied with my edits to the header, because the time I wasted on that could have been used to chat with Taylor (who I probably won't see for a couple more days/weeks at this rate).

      Saturday, 16-Nov-13 16:19:01 UTC from web
    • !eqg Just a reminder that the "Gaming for Good" livestream comes later today. Now with 20% more beard!

      Saturday, 16-Nov-13 16:17:30 UTC from web
      • !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 118 - Better the second time around? It's another week and another great episode of The Brony Show. This week we're going to be talking about episodes that you thought differently about when you saw them a second time, and also the fun things you notice when you see them again. We also have news and vids along for the ride too. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show

        Tuesday, 12-Nov-13 01:34:44 UTC from web
        • !eqg Here's some "Defenders of Equestria" demo that was whipped up in Stencyl not too long ago.

          Monday, 11-Nov-13 18:04:06 UTC from web
        • !thebronyshow Hello Everypony Season 4 is coming up in just a few weeks, and to celebrate The Brony Show is bringing you a special Live interview this Saturday, November 9. We will be interviewing Matt Hill and Sam Vincent, the VA's for Flim and Soarin respectively. We're going to be interviewing them both at the same time completely live at our stream at in 15 min. And if you accidently miss it you can catch the recording a few hours later over at We hope to see you all there!

          Saturday, 09-Nov-13 21:04:57 UTC from web
        • !eqg I don't usually post this stuff, but Bronies For Good is holding a charity livestream thing with games. Yeah.

          Friday, 08-Nov-13 21:18:59 UTC from web
          • !eqg Pony Amnesia: Love and Mysteries may have a clunky title, but it's shaping up to be a pretty good visual novel so far.

            Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:22:20 UTC from web
          • !eqg I'll put up a review for The Hub's official Adventure Ponies 2 game tomorrow, but in the meantime you folks can have a temporary post.

            Friday, 08-Nov-13 02:28:08 UTC from web
            • !eqg Have a Nightfall beta update which, once again, was released at nightfall (in my timezone, at least).

              Wednesday, 06-Nov-13 02:09:01 UTC from web
            • !eqg Fangame developer Bobby Schroeder gives us more incentive to follow his tumblr, because that's where he posts all his Super Lesbian Horse RPG progress updates.

              Tuesday, 05-Nov-13 22:15:09 UTC from web
            • !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 117 - A look at secondary characters November comes, and with that comes a new season of MLP. But before we get to that we have to talk about our favorite secondary characters of the show. People love the Mane 6, and background ponies get love too, but now we talk about those that keep Equestria running. Cheerilee, Celstia, Zecora, even Braeburn. Come in for the live show and give us your throughts and opinions on these and other secondary ponies. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot.

              Tuesday, 05-Nov-13 01:52:32 UTC from web
              • !eqg Only a Ponychanner would call his project "Awesome Pony Fighting Game". Does it live up to its name? I dunno...

                Monday, 04-Nov-13 22:08:53 UTC from web
                • !eqg Good morning, everybody! Have an updated version of Crazy Pony, because fangames totally aren't hard enough already and your average gamer loves dying several hundred times before reaching the finish line.

                  Monday, 04-Nov-13 16:16:38 UTC from web
                • !eqg Just a quick reminder that the Legends of Equestria team is currently holding their 24 hour livestream thing.

                  Saturday, 02-Nov-13 19:34:34 UTC from web
                  • !eqg Since it's that time of year again, have a generic creepypasta titled muffins.exe.

                    Friday, 01-Nov-13 00:47:20 UTC from web
                    • !eqg It's a day late, but here's my review for Moonstuck the Game Part 2. Now onto the creepypastas!

                      Thursday, 31-Oct-13 22:31:29 UTC from web
                      • !eqg Ponyvania's developers decided to release their game's really badass intro to hype us up, and it's working so far.

                        Thursday, 31-Oct-13 21:21:58 UTC from web
                        • !eqg This November, watch in awe as the Legends of Equestria devteam manages to be productive for 24 hours.

                          Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 20:31:31 UTC from web
                          • !eqg It's that time of year again, so have a demo for a creepy adventure game starring Octavia, titled "The Underworld's Cello".

                            Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 16:39:10 UTC from web
                          • !eqg Here, have a temporary post for part 2 of that Moonstuck game before tomorrow's review. Goodnight!

                            Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 05:00:13 UTC from web
                            • !eqg Never Heard From Ever Again, the world's first nonfree My Little Pony fangame for the PC platform was released today. Think of the children!

                              Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 00:24:30 UTC from web
                            • !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 116 - A Brony Nightmare Night Nightmare night comes, and we want to make sure we are ready for all the fun and shennanigans for a holiday of tricks and treats and Derpies in your apple bobbings. We're going to talk about all the fun things out there in Bronydom to celebrate this holiday. Be sure to find your favorite Nightmare Night stuff too if you want us to show it off as well. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot.

                              Tuesday, 29-Oct-13 00:27:44 UTC from web
                              • !eqg I was going to write a fully-fledged review of Canterlot Siege 2, but thanks to this headache a measly regular post will have to do for now until Enigma Sage or Arctic Lux shows up again. Sorry!

                                Monday, 28-Oct-13 19:33:14 UTC from web
                              • !eqg Most of you have probably played this already, but futzi01's Canterlot Siege 2 is up on the Arcade now, with a post/review coming in a bit.

                                Monday, 28-Oct-13 14:55:31 UTC from web
                                • !eqg The Minty Fresh Adventure II Pre-Preview has been updated with exactly what the My Little Pony fangame scene needs: more bossfights!

                                  Sunday, 27-Oct-13 00:55:06 UTC from web
                                  • !eqg Looks like the Megamare X team needs a new level designer. Shame they made the mistake of expecting Ponychan to be helpful...

                                    Saturday, 26-Oct-13 19:13:19 UTC from web
                                    • !eqg I was bored enough to make a post about the Story of the Blanks level editor, so here you go. Enjoy, I guess...if aren't already aware of it.

                                      Friday, 25-Oct-13 23:15:19 UTC from web
                                      • !eqg Wrote a post about the Ponyvania demo, in case anybody is interested in Castlevania-type platformers.

                                        Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 23:38:13 UTC from web
                                        • !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 115 - Midnight Dancer - Redux Another Monday, another great The Brony Show. It's starting to get chilly so you should bundle up as we have another fun show to heat up the slowly colder Monday evenings. This week we have Midnight Dancer, Writer, Artist, and maker of pony themed soaps. That's right, soaps! Come and join us as we talk to her about making soaps and see if we can get a Brony Show themed soap up. We also have plenty of news, videos, and craziness for your fun. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed.

                                          Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 00:25:26 UTC from web