Coolville - Population: Me
The name's Scoot Nukem, and I'm looking for my special talent. The agenda? Kick everypony's flank until a cutie mark comes off.
The manliest mare in Equestria.
Scoot Nukem (scootnukem)
@mushi Ponibooru is fine and all, but Derpibooru is somepony's pet project to create a consistently faster and more reliable booru - what's not to love?
This needs more love: http://derpiboo.ru/
@redenchilada Nope, I've been following it for a while now, just felt like sharing the awesome.
Scoot Nukem approves of this tumblr. http://askhotbloodedpinkie.tumblr.com/
@redenchilada Same.
@redenchilada Hahahah! I stand by what I said before, you are a funny little filly. We should play again some time.
@redenchilada Oh, I see. Well, like I said, Scoot Nukem is mare enough to take manure - never said I could dish it out, nor that I was necessarily inclined too. It's been fun playing with you, little filly - I do enjoy a bit of manly banter, but this has ceased being entertaining.
@redenchilada Scoot Nukem aims to please, little filly. You asked for a quote from this century and I delivered. Are we done here?
@redenchilada Come get some - how about "Sit down and shut up?"
@princesshugs I don't think anypony has made Scoot Nukem Forever - you must be confused.
@redenchilada I'll tear off your head and scoot down your neck, filly.
@redenchilada I'm mare enough to take manure from somepony - are you, little filly?
@redenchilada If not wanting to pull something when I go boulder crushing makes me a "weakling" in your eyes, you have some issues that you might need to talk out.
@redenchilada Like I said, a light morning workout, probably before breakfast.
@redenchilada An average-sized tome weighs about 1kg. Get thirty of them and you have a light morning workout.
@redenchilada Have you seen the size of Twilight's library? Borrowing library books is cheap and convenient.
@princesshugs Crappy? I wouldn't star in anything less than a super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing video game.
@redenchilada Behold the classical logical fallacy - Burden of Proof. I have to say, Twilight's suggestion of reading the books as I bench-pressed them sure has come in handy.
@redenchilada I know I'm strong - do you have any proof to the contrary?
@redenchilada What seams? Inflatable muscles wouldn't make you any stronger, little filly.
I wonder why Lyra keeps staring at me?
@celestiaforequestria Rot13, little filly.
V'z tynq gb frr gung yrncvat sebz ebbsgbc gb ebbsgbc unf orpbzr n cbchyne zbeavat rkrepvfr va Cbalivyyr - znlor V'yy unir fbzr pbzcnal qhevat zl zbeavat wbtf.
@redenchilada By knocking first or leaving a note afterwards, little filly.
Doors are optional, civility is not.
@kibaderpy Sleep is weak against sneak attacks and heavy artillery. Also has a glass jaw.
@flanks They popped up once, but I stared at them in the mirror until they learned their lesson. Didn't like the look.
@minti It goes against the Code of Manliness to judge somepony's manliness by any means other than fisticuffs. Find this "Manliest Brony," and then we'll see for sure.
@pillowpony I don't. They simply manifest, lit and smoking, in my teeth every morning when I wake up.
@pillowpony I'm a scooter.