nope (pillowpony)
@Redenchilada @Scribus @Communistprime @Ecmc i would like to delete my account. how can i do this?
@ceruleanspark do you know how to delete an account?
@mushi emails to rdn dont go through, and that is the only way ive seen to contact them. any suggestions?
how do i delete my account?
i've been listening to smile smile smile on repeat for about 2 hours now....not that i haven't done it before
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 03:03:53 UTC from web -
@scootnukem why do you smoke cigars?
@scootnukem scoot scoot?
and once again i am saved from my own stupidity
!uvabronies club activity?
Saturday, 14-Jan-12 19:18:02 UTC from web -
@cluelesspony Woot woot!
!uvabronies I tried to change my Xbox avatar to Applebloom, happened again
@theawesomepinkpony haha I know, I'm on my phone. What's up?
@cluelesspony awesome!! I love his sweaters
@theawesomepinkpony hello to you, too!!
@cluelesspony Probably
@cluelesspony Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy Peggy
@cluelesspony yes but this is a public setting mwuahahahahhah silly Peggy, now I am definitely going to call you that all the time
@cluelesspony Just wanted to see if you would actually respond to Peggy
@cluelesspony Hey Peggy
@terminalhunter @kennythink swag
Sunday, 08-Jan-12 23:05:48 UTC from web -
@terminalhunter I probably can't another 2 hours :/ feel free to start without me
@psychoshy122 other than "Mordor door" I think this was my favorite part: "For the fabulous and crabby maiden whom the angels named Twilight Sparkle - nameless here for evermore."
@theawesomepinkpony Haha thank you :D
@cherrysundae I didn't know this happened :/
@psychoshy122 While I shanked, nearly napping, suddenly there came a garbage, as of Italian Ice gently rapping, rapping at my Mordor door. ``Tis some Grinch,` I muttered, 'tapping at my Mordor door - only this, and nothing more.' mad libs at its finest
Wednesday, 04-Jan-12 03:43:24 UTC from web -
@cluelesspony worth it
@cherrysundae Looks awesome! Definitely better than rihanna
@cluelesspony Well, there is at least the satisfying sound it makes when you throw it on the ground
@cluelesspony excuse me while I murder my phone