Notices tagged with apple, page 2

  1. # hatte zuletzt Geldreserven von gut 230 Milliarden Dollar, die zu mehr als 90 Prozent außerhalb der USA lagern. MAD ethics! !economy

    Tuesday, 30-Aug-16 08:53:52 UTC from
  2. @43rr0r an # from #? could be a # ;-)

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-16 21:10:47 UTC from
  3. DRM: You have the right to know what you're buying! don't buy #drm traps. Including #apple stuff.

    Saturday, 06-Aug-16 11:53:23 UTC from Repeated by kzimmermann
  4. DRM: You have the right to know what you're buying! don't buy #drm traps. Including #apple stuff.

    Saturday, 06-Aug-16 11:53:23 UTC from
  5. FINALLY they're marketing #'s products properly! #

    Monday, 25-Jul-16 18:33:02 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E in context
  6. @fanta @dalme ok, la idea es la misma. Pero hasta donde sé no ha tomado tu código para decir que es suyo ni es un fork, y aparte tiene alguna función más que se agradece. No vayamos a patentar ideas como si fuéramos #

    Friday, 08-Jul-16 08:16:15 UTC from in context Repeated by fanta
  7. @fanta @dalme ok, la idea es la misma. Pero hasta donde sé no ha tomado tu código para decir que es suyo ni es un fork, y aparte tiene alguna función más que se agradece. No vayamos a patentar ideas como si fuéramos #

    Friday, 08-Jul-16 08:16:15 UTC from in context
  8. New patent could stop you from recording with your # https://Potato #

    Saturday, 02-Jul-16 08:51:47 UTC from in context
  9. @vinzv my thoughts exactly. #'s like the # of the android world.

    Sunday, 15-May-16 02:23:16 UTC from
  10. through the Apple Music subscription, which I had, Apple now deletes files from its users’ computers. When I signed up for Apple Music, iTunes evaluated my massive collection of Mp3s and WAV files, scanned Apple’s database for what it considered matches, then removed the original files from my internal hard drive. REMOVED them. Deleted. If Apple Music saw a file it didn’t recognize—which came up often, since I’m a freelance composer and have many music files that I created myself—it would then download it to Apple’s database, delete it from my hard drive, and serve it back to me when I wanted to listen, just like it would with my other music files it had deleted.

    #apple #music

    Friday, 06-May-16 07:25:02 UTC from Repeated by cyberkiller
  11. through the Apple Music subscription, which I had, Apple now deletes files from its users’ computers. When I signed up for Apple Music, iTunes evaluated my massive collection of Mp3s and WAV files, scanned Apple’s database for what it considered matches, then removed the original files from my internal hard drive. REMOVED them. Deleted. If Apple Music saw a file it didn’t recognize—which came up often, since I’m a freelance composer and have many music files that I created myself—it would then download it to Apple’s database, delete it from my hard drive, and serve it back to me when I wanted to listen, just like it would with my other music files it had deleted.

    #apple #music

    Friday, 06-May-16 07:25:02 UTC from
  12. Quite shocked at the number of people waiting to get into # store at # this morning. At least 75% of them brandishing some kind of device. Are these devices really locked down to such an extent that you can't fix anything yourself?! # #

    Sunday, 01-May-16 11:14:40 UTC from in context Repeated by dolus
  13. Quite shocked at the number of people waiting to get into # store at # this morning. At least 75% of them brandishing some kind of device. Are these devices really locked down to such an extent that you can't fix anything yourself?! # #

    Sunday, 01-May-16 11:14:40 UTC from in context Repeated by archaeme
  14. Quite shocked at the number of people waiting to get into # store at # this morning. At least 75% of them brandishing some kind of device. Are these devices really locked down to such an extent that you can't fix anything yourself?! # #

    Sunday, 01-May-16 11:14:40 UTC from in context
  15. No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.

    Monday, 21-Mar-16 21:38:01 UTC from Repeated by takeshitakenji
  16. No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.

    Monday, 21-Mar-16 21:38:01 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  17. No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.

    Monday, 21-Mar-16 21:38:01 UTC from Repeated by raito
  18. No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.

    Monday, 21-Mar-16 21:38:01 UTC from
  19. Edward Snowden @Snowden

    Today I learned that # has way better lawyers than the DOJ.  

    GRINZ  :-)

    Wednesday, 16-Mar-16 00:05:07 UTC from
  20. #'s lawyer argues that if the # compromises their #, it would drive adoption of # # tools. Go #!

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 04:20:24 UTC from
  21. Eating an # .

    Saturday, 06-Feb-16 22:57:58 UTC from
  22. @tom Yeah I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has had this problem what they're doing about it (besides _not_ getting an #Apple brickphone the next time ;))

    Saturday, 06-Feb-16 08:39:29 UTC from
  23. @mmn Och varför skulle man söka tredjepartsservice? Kanske för att:
    1. Man inte bor i en stad/land med en #Apple stores.
    2. Apple tar okänt lång tid på sig att "laga" (byta ut) telefonen.
    3. De inte garanterar att ens data är kvar på den telefon man får tillbaka.
    4. Apple tar ut hutlösa priser för sin egna service jämfört med random gatubutik som fixar det snabbt och billigt.

    Saturday, 06-Feb-16 08:27:40 UTC from in context
  24. Det räcker inte med att garantin slutar gälla, #Apple känner att de faktiskt måste omöjliggöra användning av sin (inte kundens uppenbarligen) telefon om man söker tredjeparts-service? #apple
    "Apple has confirmed that Error 53 is invoked when the phone determines that it has been serviced by non-Apple personnel, and there is apparently no way to reverse the process."

    Saturday, 06-Feb-16 08:23:53 UTC from in context
  25. Even #microsoft and #apple proponents are impressed by this #linux device #cbs #zdnet

    Monday, 18-Jan-16 20:18:12 UTC from Repeated by akionux
  26. Even #microsoft and #apple proponents are impressed by this #linux device #cbs #zdnet

    Monday, 18-Jan-16 20:18:12 UTC from
  27. @realramnit The world would be better off if our efforts were put on ERADICATING #

    Wednesday, 06-Jan-16 21:28:15 UTC from
  28. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! # #

    Sunday, 06-Sep-15 08:19:32 UTC from
  29. @benfell Have you heard about # going to switch to #'s launchd?

    Sunday, 05-Jul-15 11:08:26 UTC from
  30. Shamed by # getting there before me. The people at # "are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea". #

    Friday, 19-Jun-15 11:30:57 UTC from