Notices tagged with q, page 2

  1. "I did the Glasgow Marathon! They whole twenty six pints and three curries!" # Rikki Fulton

    Sunday, 18-Dec-16 13:20:56 UTC from
  2. "Our lass is allus fighting wi' me. She threw a lettuce at us last night. That's just the tip of the iceberg." # Smell of Reeves and Mortimer S02E06

    Wednesday, 14-Dec-16 12:12:07 UTC from
  3. "I'm a bit of a wine buff, and I was writing an article the other day saying that some wines are best drunk young. That's why I started when I was seven." # Spike #

    Wednesday, 23-Nov-16 12:27:49 UTC from in context
  4. "My bet is the Blairites will be defeated, deselected and defenestrated without ever working out it was not a plot. It is just that ordinary people find their vacuous careerism appalling." # Craig Murray

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 04:32:25 UTC from
  5. "Cops should get out of the squad car, walk around, talk to the locals before they shoot them." # Ted Rall

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 04:25:07 UTC from
  6. # Barrett Brown on prison life: "One day I decided to compose a list of unnecessary people throughout history and had jotted down Ezra Pound, the Emperor Aurangzeb, Carlos Mencia, Charles IV, and Gary Bauer when it became clear that I’d cast my net too wide […]"

    Thursday, 03-Nov-16 07:41:54 UTC from
  7. "Banks and the financial sector live in the short run [… Once the government] is taken over by the financial sector the government lives in the short run too, and the economy shrinks." # Michael Hudson

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-16 07:16:22 UTC from
  8. @strypey "Real-Exchange Economics, on which most of us have been brought up […] is a singularly blunt weapon for dealing with the problem of Booms and Depressions. For it has assumed away the very matter under investigation." # #

    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 07:36:17 UTC from
  9. # "unless email is freed from dependence on the networks, I predict it will be supplanted by telefax for most uses in spite of its many advantages over telefax" # #

    Thursday, 20-Oct-16 14:27:19 UTC from at 42°45'55"N 71°28'3"W in context Repeated by takeshitakenji
  10. # "unless email is freed from dependence on the networks, I predict it will be supplanted by telefax for most uses in spite of its many advantages over telefax" # #

    Thursday, 20-Oct-16 14:27:19 UTC from at 42°45'55"N 71°28'3"W in context
  11. "Competition is as much a method for breeding certain types of mind as anything else: the very cast of thinking of the great entrepreneurs would not exist but for the environment in which they developed their gifts" # Friedrich Hayek

    Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 07:07:08 UTC from in context
  12. "Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul." # Margaret #, with pipe organ music, thunderclaps, and a "Bwah-ha-ha-ha!"

    Monday, 17-Oct-16 06:56:49 UTC from in context
  13. "I knew Abbott and Turnbull in their Sydney University days […] One believed he knew the word of God, while the other believed he was God." # Steve Keen

    Monday, 17-Oct-16 03:08:49 UTC from
  14. #: "what happens if you put # 8 and#Flash in a blender." # Atrios #

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-16 05:51:55 UTC from
  15. "[…] our desire to hold money is a barometer of our distrust of our own calculations and conventions concerning the future." # # #

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-16 05:09:03 UTC from
  16. 'Casting a vote for # says: “I love that a million Iraqis got murdered.” Or, at minimum it says: “I’m cool with it.” Well, I’m not.' # Ted Rall

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-16 05:48:08 UTC from
  17. "It's not 'challenging political correctness' to not know what you're talking about." # #

    Saturday, 17-Sep-16 06:36:45 UTC from
  18. If you need help, ask an asylum seeker: "Imagine the world’s most wanted dissident brought to your door. Would you open it? They didn’t even hesitate, and I’ll always be grateful for that." # Edward #

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-16 05:26:44 UTC from
  19. "It’s the first time I can recall having seen someone actually screw up anecdotal evidence […]" # Barrett Brown, reviewing Niall Ferguson's # biog.

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 10:17:21 UTC from Repeated by kuro
  20. "It’s the first time I can recall having seen someone actually screw up anecdotal evidence […]" # Barrett Brown, reviewing Niall Ferguson's # biog.

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 10:17:21 UTC from
  21. "# without the state is like # without hell. It doesn't work." # Yanis Varoufakis

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 00:27:10 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  22. "# without the state is like # without hell. It doesn't work." # Yanis Varoufakis

    Sunday, 11-Sep-16 00:27:10 UTC from
  23. "Logic is the same for everybody; the same logical structure, if it is not fudged, can support quite different ideologies, but for most social scientists ideology leaks into the logic and corrupts it." # Joan Robinson

    Saturday, 10-Sep-16 04:32:22 UTC from
  24. "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." # Abraham Lincoln

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-16 09:38:37 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  25. "The # Party are neoliberals. The # are neoliberals on bikes." # Bill Mitchell # #

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-16 10:31:20 UTC from
  26. "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." # Abraham Lincoln

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-16 09:38:37 UTC from Repeated by ghostdancer
  27. "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." # Abraham Lincoln

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-16 09:38:37 UTC from
  28. "[Ideology is] not about convincing people that something is true, but convincing them that everybody else believe it’s true. In a way, cynicism has replaced ideology." # David Graeber

    Sunday, 28-Aug-16 03:25:20 UTC from
  29. "We were told when Gaza got attacked that Hamas were using human shields, and they weren't. […] Humans make really bad shields. Humans make such bad shields that humans were forced to invent the shield." # Frankie Boyle

    Sunday, 07-Aug-16 13:50:05 UTC from
  30. "Take a look at the refugee crisis in Europe. Afghans and Iraqis are under horrible duress in Greek concentration camps. Why Afghans and Iraqis? Did something happen in Afghanistan and Iraq?" # #

    Sunday, 07-Aug-16 09:13:40 UTC from