Notices tagged with twitter, page 2

  1. On activities in # Is Twitter heading to # also?!
    ...I checked via Twitter's web interface: I do see the message favorited...
    and you know, Twitter shows, at least in web interface, your "Like Activity". I need to investigate, maybe # will be able to receive such some day...

    Tuesday, 23-Jan-18 18:35:27 UTC from
  2. The Fediverse strikes back #fediverse #federation #mastodon #twitter #diaspora #friendica

    Tuesday, 16-Jan-18 14:10:08 UTC from Repeated by mcscx2
  3. The Fediverse strikes back #fediverse #federation #mastodon #twitter #diaspora #friendica

    Tuesday, 16-Jan-18 14:10:08 UTC from
  4. Zitat aus einem aktuellen Artikel der SZ:

    "Linus Neumann: Das Motto nimmt Bezug auf den Gründungsaufruf des CCC, der 1981 gegründet wurde, nachdem zuvor ein kurzer Text in der taz erschienen war. Der CCC erkannte damals, dass die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in einer gesellschaftlichen Bewegung kanalisiert werden muss, um die Freiheit des Individuums zu retten."

    Ganz ehrlich? Der Zug ist derweil wirklich abgefahren, werter Chaos Computer Club. Denn wenn ihr gleichzeitig eure Inhalte auf den proprietären Netzwerken wie # verteilt, demonstriert ihr genau das Gegenteil und schwimmt mit dem Strom. Es gäbe so viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten und Alternativen. Was wird denn konkret kanalisiert? Das ist doch wirklich nur ein Lippenbekenntnis, wenn sich beispielsweise Podcast-Betreiber nur auf Profile von # verweisen, Videos auf # und # weiter teilen und # entsprechend nach vorn bringen. Hauptsache "Bequemlichkeit"!

    Meint ihr denn das interessiert die Leute, welche gerade wieder einmal dabei sind "Alexa" auszuprobieren? Ihr "Heimautomation" weiter vorantreiben? Bei soviel Lippenbekenntnis wird es Einem doch wirklich warm ums Herz. # # #

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 15:10:38 UTC from Repeated by mcscx2
  5. Zitat aus einem aktuellen Artikel der SZ:

    "Linus Neumann: Das Motto nimmt Bezug auf den Gründungsaufruf des CCC, der 1981 gegründet wurde, nachdem zuvor ein kurzer Text in der taz erschienen war. Der CCC erkannte damals, dass die fortschreitende Digitalisierung in einer gesellschaftlichen Bewegung kanalisiert werden muss, um die Freiheit des Individuums zu retten."

    Ganz ehrlich? Der Zug ist derweil wirklich abgefahren, werter Chaos Computer Club. Denn wenn ihr gleichzeitig eure Inhalte auf den proprietären Netzwerken wie # verteilt, demonstriert ihr genau das Gegenteil und schwimmt mit dem Strom. Es gäbe so viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten und Alternativen. Was wird denn konkret kanalisiert? Das ist doch wirklich nur ein Lippenbekenntnis, wenn sich beispielsweise Podcast-Betreiber nur auf Profile von # verweisen, Videos auf # und # weiter teilen und # entsprechend nach vorn bringen. Hauptsache "Bequemlichkeit"!

    Meint ihr denn das interessiert die Leute, welche gerade wieder einmal dabei sind "Alexa" auszuprobieren? Ihr "Heimautomation" weiter vorantreiben? Bei soviel Lippenbekenntnis wird es Einem doch wirklich warm ums Herz. # # #

    Friday, 29-Dec-17 15:10:38 UTC from
  6. @Gargron # became evil when its growth necessitated massive investments by venture finance type organizations. The challenge of growth for the # is going to be trying to spread users over more instances and keeping those instances smaller, instead of having most of them clump together in a few larger instances.

    At large enough scale, the larger instances will face exactly the same pressures and choices that Twitter faced. There won't be enough # funders to sustain that.

    Sunday, 24-Dec-17 14:27:42 UTC from in context Repeated by maiyannah
  7. @Gargron # became evil when its growth necessitated massive investments by venture finance type organizations. The challenge of growth for the # is going to be trying to spread users over more instances and keeping those instances smaller, instead of having most of them clump together in a few larger instances.

    At large enough scale, the larger instances will face exactly the same pressures and choices that Twitter faced. There won't be enough # funders to sustain that.

    Sunday, 24-Dec-17 14:27:42 UTC from in context
  8. FFS found on # , some people are sick and have twisted minds

    Saturday, 16-Dec-17 13:10:54 UTC from
  9. No words  i can add to this: # # #

    Tuesday, 12-Dec-17 15:33:52 UTC from
  10. You know what fanbase is surprisingly good? The Linux fanbase. # # !gaming 

    Wednesday, 29-Nov-17 10:41:18 UTC from
  11. Looks like I'm abandoning on my account. I've migrated back to since it introduced the limit. And yes, there are better clients than Mastodon now has. is not as good as Mastodon's web client, but in general it's OK.

    Maybe I'll be back at some point.

    Saturday, 11-Nov-17 12:33:30 UTC from Repeated by xrevan86
  12. Looks like I'm abandoning on my account. I've migrated back to since it introduced the limit. And yes, there are better clients than Mastodon now has. is not as good as Mastodon's web client, but in general it's OK.

    Maybe I'll be back at some point.

    Saturday, 11-Nov-17 12:33:30 UTC from
  13. When I saw an article about # officially going 280 characters, I also noticed that they said users were asking for a strictly time-based stream. In other words, no invasive "we think you will like this" additions to the timeline.

    Tuesday, 07-Nov-17 23:44:03 UTC from Repeated by freyo
  14. When I saw an article about # officially going 280 characters, I also noticed that they said users were asking for a strictly time-based stream. In other words, no invasive "we think you will like this" additions to the timeline.

    Tuesday, 07-Nov-17 23:44:03 UTC from
  15. Also via #

    Sunday, 05-Nov-17 22:19:51 UTC from Repeated by mcscx
  16. Also via #

    Sunday, 05-Nov-17 22:19:51 UTC from
  17. Eu começarei então desconectando o # do # , e no próximo mês deletarei a conta, ou antes.

    Wednesday, 01-Nov-17 19:40:12 UTC from
  18. New # permission that can't be disabled # !privacy 

    Friday, 27-Oct-17 08:28:29 UTC from Repeated by sulman
  19. New # permission that can't be disabled # !privacy 

    Friday, 27-Oct-17 08:28:29 UTC from
  20. And this is how legends and myths are born: # 

    Friday, 06-Oct-17 19:54:01 UTC from
  21. Bei 280 Zeichen kann man auch nur 140 Zeichen verwenden, sagt ja niemand etwas daß der Text den man tippt dann länger sein müsste. #

    Thursday, 28-Sep-17 17:00:09 UTC from
  22. There are a lot of things I love about #Mastodon, but there are a lot of things about it recently that are just killing my enthusiasm. I really didn't want to admit it to myself for the longest time, but I can't bear much more of it.

    The mangoposting is cancer, and there's so much of it - the GNU Social half of the fediverse actually does it pretty well, but the Mastodon half is mostly awful. Post-ironic-memes aren't funny. Slightly misspelling words intentionally doesn't mean you're part of some elaborate in-joke. The hidden content jokes are stale and everyone's using the same joke templates from Tumblr circa two years ago. On top of that, the meta-discourse and moderator drama is getting so bad that it sucks the fun out of the entire timeline.

    I've met a lot of great people through Mastodon, and I think it's a great app overall. I particularly like that it works well on my phone, so that I can engage with the fediverse on the go. That's awesome!

    There's just too many goddamned hipsters, and they're the worst offenders. They''re just perpetuating the worst parts of #Twitter and #Tumblr, and the political discourse on there has all of the depth of a Facebook comment thread.

    I shouldn't feel this crotchety. I'm sorry.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 22:24:02 UTC from in context Repeated by hfaust
  23. There are a lot of things I love about #Mastodon, but there are a lot of things about it recently that are just killing my enthusiasm. I really didn't want to admit it to myself for the longest time, but I can't bear much more of it.

    The mangoposting is cancer, and there's so much of it - the GNU Social half of the fediverse actually does it pretty well, but the Mastodon half is mostly awful. Post-ironic-memes aren't funny. Slightly misspelling words intentionally doesn't mean you're part of some elaborate in-joke. The hidden content jokes are stale and everyone's using the same joke templates from Tumblr circa two years ago. On top of that, the meta-discourse and moderator drama is getting so bad that it sucks the fun out of the entire timeline.

    I've met a lot of great people through Mastodon, and I think it's a great app overall. I particularly like that it works well on my phone, so that I can engage with the fediverse on the go. That's awesome!

    There's just too many goddamned hipsters, and they're the worst offenders. They''re just perpetuating the worst parts of #Twitter and #Tumblr, and the political discourse on there has all of the depth of a Facebook comment thread.

    I shouldn't feel this crotchety. I'm sorry.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 22:24:02 UTC from in context Repeated by cyberpotato
  24. There are a lot of things I love about #Mastodon, but there are a lot of things about it recently that are just killing my enthusiasm. I really didn't want to admit it to myself for the longest time, but I can't bear much more of it.

    The mangoposting is cancer, and there's so much of it - the GNU Social half of the fediverse actually does it pretty well, but the Mastodon half is mostly awful. Post-ironic-memes aren't funny. Slightly misspelling words intentionally doesn't mean you're part of some elaborate in-joke. The hidden content jokes are stale and everyone's using the same joke templates from Tumblr circa two years ago. On top of that, the meta-discourse and moderator drama is getting so bad that it sucks the fun out of the entire timeline.

    I've met a lot of great people through Mastodon, and I think it's a great app overall. I particularly like that it works well on my phone, so that I can engage with the fediverse on the go. That's awesome!

    There's just too many goddamned hipsters, and they're the worst offenders. They''re just perpetuating the worst parts of #Twitter and #Tumblr, and the political discourse on there has all of the depth of a Facebook comment thread.

    I shouldn't feel this crotchety. I'm sorry.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 22:24:02 UTC from in context Repeated by maiyannah
  25. There are a lot of things I love about #Mastodon, but there are a lot of things about it recently that are just killing my enthusiasm. I really didn't want to admit it to myself for the longest time, but I can't bear much more of it.

    The mangoposting is cancer, and there's so much of it - the GNU Social half of the fediverse actually does it pretty well, but the Mastodon half is mostly awful. Post-ironic-memes aren't funny. Slightly misspelling words intentionally doesn't mean you're part of some elaborate in-joke. The hidden content jokes are stale and everyone's using the same joke templates from Tumblr circa two years ago. On top of that, the meta-discourse and moderator drama is getting so bad that it sucks the fun out of the entire timeline.

    I've met a lot of great people through Mastodon, and I think it's a great app overall. I particularly like that it works well on my phone, so that I can engage with the fediverse on the go. That's awesome!

    There's just too many goddamned hipsters, and they're the worst offenders. They''re just perpetuating the worst parts of #Twitter and #Tumblr, and the political discourse on there has all of the depth of a Facebook comment thread.

    I shouldn't feel this crotchety. I'm sorry.

    Monday, 21-Aug-17 22:24:02 UTC from in context
  26. Forgotten !Linux # Tricks via @LinuxExperiment on #

    Sunday, 30-Jul-17 16:41:10 UTC from at 43°36'0"N 80°32'58"W Repeated by mcscx
  27. Forgotten !Linux # Tricks via @LinuxExperiment on #

    Sunday, 30-Jul-17 16:41:10 UTC from at 43°36'0"N 80°32'58"W
  28. Well, then you really shouldn't use non-commercial platforms. By the way, I was blocked some times on # and, unhappy, gave them a phone number not owned by me. Almost quit completely..

    Monday, 24-Jul-17 19:55:10 UTC from
  29. I think the bird names & icons have strong reference to #, not so much to #

    Sunday, 23-Jul-17 05:10:10 UTC from
  30. # is a hipster version of #

    Thursday, 20-Jul-17 13:06:53 UTC from