Notices tagged with uni

  1. Woah, that's some serious "academic integrity", Ethiopia. I'm sure my # is sitting up and taking notice.

    Monday, 05-Jun-17 07:46:21 UTC from
  2. The difference between a school educator and a university educator should be the difference between a leader and a guide. #

    Monday, 17-Apr-17 03:38:54 UTC from
  3. Really struggling to get started on an assignment that's an insult to the intelligence of everybody involved. I'm back in high school and really don't want to be here. #

    Monday, 17-Apr-17 02:09:03 UTC from
  4. # exam done. Probably passed. My refusal to explain macroeconomic policy in terms of supply and demand curves won't have helped, but I do have some dignity # Statistics tomorrow and then I'm done for another term. Well and truly done. #

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-17 02:31:19 UTC from
  5. How can I be expected to get any # done with all the noise of these whooshing deadlines? # #

    Sunday, 22-Jan-17 13:42:58 UTC from
  6. # Club of # is 40 years old. Antony "Doctor Wholigan" Howe and Dallas "Sidekick" Jones are still alive. 1980s # was airmailed VHS cassettes and a lecture room at # # Happy days.

    Friday, 02-Dec-16 11:15:47 UTC from
  7. Email from #: "[…] If that link is broken click here." They're to the same URL! What do you think you're achieving? Are you sacrificing the first link to the HTTP gods, so that the second might be spared?

    Thursday, 08-Sep-16 07:13:15 UTC from
  8. Couldn't bear the thought of reading a textbook, so went AWOL today and just caught up on reading the Internet. Found some useful stuff for my next essays. Despite my bad attitude to #, I can't complain about being required to do more or less what I'd be doing anyway.

    Thursday, 01-Sep-16 10:05:40 UTC from
  9. I keep telling myself that I could write a beautiful essay without the time, word, and topic limits imposed. Then my interior voice (which sounds just like Jeremy Hardy) says "Yeah, but you wouldn't, would you?" #

    Thursday, 25-Aug-16 13:20:51 UTC from in context
  10. Most painful essay ever. I'm going to drink to forget now. Possibly for two or three days. #

    Thursday, 25-Aug-16 13:16:05 UTC from in context
  11. Today in higher education, this happened: # #

    Monday, 15-Aug-16 13:23:20 UTC from
  12. This has saved me a lot of typing: #

    Friday, 12-Aug-16 08:39:09 UTC from
  13. Ugh. Both my units for this term at # are taught by the same person, asking us to critically think, critically engage, critically reflect, & critically self-reflect. Scared to look at the reading list; with all this criticality flying about, there's bound to be some #

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-16 04:38:35 UTC from
  14. Going AWOL today. Mental health day. Nearly end of term, and if anybody asks me to do something perfectly reasonable, but to do it "critically", I'm likely to go postal. #

    Friday, 20-May-16 01:46:08 UTC from
  15. Have chosen the topic of stress for a silly # assignment. So I keep seeing Chris Morris in lycra at regular intervals through the day. #

    Wednesday, 11-May-16 11:26:48 UTC from in context
  16. @tregeagle It's a potemkin # All the staff are casuals, all the course material was produced by people long gone, or dead, or worse - still tenuously employed. Don't look behind the "student experience" curtain, there's nothing there. #

    Wednesday, 11-May-16 10:52:29 UTC from
  17. Thank you #, for your informative markup. I kid you not: '<table title="This is a table showing the attributes of a collection of items.">' # #

    Tuesday, 10-May-16 09:02:42 UTC from
  18. Due at 5pm; submitted at 4:59 and 45 seconds. #

    Friday, 22-Apr-16 07:09:25 UTC from
  19. Oh, good grief. # is the only student (so far) at her lecture. The new (privately-operated) # # may be worse than #

    Tuesday, 05-Apr-16 08:41:40 UTC from in context
  20. #'s first lecture (at a different #) is this evening, at the same time as one of mine. Now to test if two instances of # Collaborate can run off a single retail # connection.

    Tuesday, 05-Apr-16 08:39:04 UTC from in context
  21. This evening's # Collaborate lecture is over. It's so unnervingly jarring to try shouting into the void of the world's most lag-tastic VoIP app; a conference call that can't handle more than one open mic at a time. Bring back tin cans and string! #

    Tuesday, 29-Mar-16 09:40:37 UTC from
  22. Was going to have an early night, but after another bout of the # "student experience", I had to go to the off-license for some calm down juice. #

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 10:56:52 UTC from in context
  23. Blimey. A new post on # says "I look forward to reading your contributions", from a member of # academic staff who died last year. The ultimate in contingent labour. #

    Tuesday, 15-Mar-16 08:03:48 UTC from in context
  24. It's taken me over two years to realise that # payments are an open-ended license to read a lot and write a lot. Any actual qualifications I might earn are just superfluous gold stars for effort. #

    Sunday, 07-Feb-16 11:57:38 UTC from
  25. Any article the title or subtitle of which begins with the word "towards" is not worth reading. # #

    Monday, 01-Feb-16 10:27:21 UTC from
  26. Summer repeat of Richard Hil on his latest book "Selling Students Short": #

    Monday, 11-Jan-16 01:13:27 UTC from
  27. Have to finish essay today, as kids next door play a particularly lively game of "who can scream loudest?" #

    Sunday, 10-Jan-16 00:47:13 UTC from in context
  28. Essay déjà vu. Two days ago I started thinking "Hold on. This is actually quite interesting. Why didn't I start on it 3 weeks earlier?" Today, a deadline whooshes past. #

    Friday, 08-Jan-16 07:06:07 UTC from
  29. Moved @mjd # to the # # this afternoon. Two frustrations: # battery refused to run out, and bottle of Grannycham that I grew to suspect was alcohol free. 2 hours of PDF files, and I'm not even slightly biffle dinked! #

    Tuesday, 05-Jan-16 09:47:35 UTC from
  30. @kat I dream of the luxury of 6,000 words. The sub-prime university sector in # is too miserly to pay people to mark anything > 1,500 words. I spend most of my time cutting an adequate essay down to an incoherent travesty. #

    Wednesday, 30-Dec-15 09:49:43 UTC from