thunderbolt1's favorite notices, page 5

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  1. @adiwan So anyway, today is a very blustery day, might as well be Windsday... XD fml

    Monday, 10-Feb-20 18:17:51 UTC from web in context
  2. I am super tired of sleeping on the floor

    Monday, 10-Feb-20 18:06:07 UTC from web
  3. @scribus Could be worse if there were strong winds. You can cover the belongings from rain but you cannot save it from strong winds when carrying.

    Monday, 10-Feb-20 15:02:16 UTC from web in context
  4. Well, moving day is not going as pictured. Fml amirite? And, of course, it GORRAM R A I N S ! !

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 22:56:20 UTC from web in context
  5. And now, back to our show!

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 22:55:28 UTC from web
  6. My labor union is making it very difficult for me to be pro-union tbh. These guys objectively suck.

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 21:49:46 UTC from web
  7. But first, this word from our sponsors:

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 16:17:51 UTC from web
  8. F R E N Z Y ! !

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 16:17:23 UTC from web
  9. Oh boy I am in for a frenzy tomorrow

    Sunday, 09-Feb-20 07:08:35 UTC from web
  10. Well I guess it would, but I cancel myself out.

    Friday, 07-Feb-20 00:33:21 UTC from web
  11. @scribus a statistic which doesn’t include me because I started and quit within a two-year timespan

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 23:20:15 UTC from web in context
  12. Even I've all but officially quit.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 18:04:21 UTC from web
  13. @mrmattimation D'ya drink any less!? Harharharr... But in seriousness, I was just reading that drinking rates were down over the last five years.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 18:03:58 UTC from web in context
  14. @mrmattimation

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 07:18:23 UTC from web in context
  15. would you believe I took up drinking in the first place??? college was great

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:43:51 UTC from web
  16. would you believe i don’t drink anymore????

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:41:40 UTC from web in context
  17. @nerthos look man you know how the saying goes. Old enough to podrace, old enough to consummate

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:40:33 UTC from web in context
  18. @scribus The great electoral boogaloo

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:40:16 UTC from web in context
  19. @nerthos Whoops, I thought the filter would catch that

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:38:22 UTC from web in context
  20. @mrmattimation Attachment. Jedi code didn't specifically outlaw going out whoring, just relationships. A jedi that doesn't give a single thought about an individual after having sex won't prioritize that individual's well being above mission or the jedi order, but one that has a wife and genuinely loves her will be hard pressed to put the order first even with very good reasoning as to why they should. There was even one high ranking jedi that was allowed officially to have concubines due to being one of the few last males of his species.
    Also in the case of padme, statutory rape maybe, we don't know the age of consent in coruscant.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:38:03 UTC from web in context
  21. NOBODY was safe from Obi-Wan’s dick, old Ben was an “anything that moves” kinda guy, this guy FrankerZed a sith, like, I think we need to be talking about what a slut that guy was before we talk about Anakin’s nuclear family

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:36:33 UTC from web
  22. I had the best terminator batcavepost but the file is too big :c

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:33:58 UTC from web
  23. why was it such a big deal that Anakin Skywalker had a secret wife, and why did she need to be a secret, did anyone ever watch the Clone Wars show?? Obi-Wan was a FrankerZing grapey-slaying Potato Knishes machine, this man kiwied CONSTANTLY and nobody seemed to give a rat's ass about it.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:33:28 UTC from web in context
  24. i hope Adult Swim's april fools prank this year is that they swapped the programming with Cartoon Network and kids are gonna wake up to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force instead of Teen Titans or whatever kids watch these days

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 06:27:56 UTC from web
  25. I just walked into Dairy Queen and a guy that I had fired was working the counter, which I think is as awkward as awkward gets.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 01:50:17 UTC from web
  26. @scribus But hey, at least Mitt Romney set himself up for a comeback Presidential run in 2024 where he’ll do all the things he claimed to oppose today

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 01:50:10 UTC from web in context
  27. Well that was as depressing as it was unsurprising

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 01:27:10 UTC from web in context
  28. Trump claiming on Twitter that he’ll be President forever is awfully premature considering his age and the way he eats. I’m not even sure he’d be able to finish a second term.

    Thursday, 06-Feb-20 00:51:55 UTC from web
  29. Yeah, well, my Mom says I'm handsome! (but my Mom is dead) by Fall Out Boy

    Wednesday, 05-Feb-20 11:37:21 UTC from web
  30. Now would be a great night to still be drinking, except that now is exactly the kind of night I swore off drinking on even when I did drink

    Wednesday, 05-Feb-20 11:30:43 UTC from web