Zaehlas's home timeline


  1. !vabronies If you get to me with the number of people you expect to show up, I might be able to make and/or bring some things like chimicherrychangas.

    Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 08:13:19 UTC from web
    • !vabronies Someone pointed out the meetup to me, signed up to say I requested off work and will be there.

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 09:40:54 UTC from web
      • !vabronies Sorry guys, but that's the only day I can do it, plus a lot of people are already going so I can't change it now. @dukeofequestria Yeah? That'd be great, the more people we can get the better. I have lots of games planned out already

        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 13:17:22 UTC from web
      • !vabronies You can count on me, I'll also see if my friend can come.

        Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 04:24:49 UTC from web
        • !vabronies Ugh me too. I won't be able to make it. I'll be in NY on that day.

          Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 02:22:38 UTC from web
          • !vabronies Aww, shoot, I'll have to catch the next time, then. It's in the middle of an 11-day underway >.<

            Monday, 04-Jun-12 23:02:29 UTC from web
            • !Vabronies That sucks guys. Here, i'll post some info then. Its Sunday, June 24, 2012 1:00pm At Mt. Trashmore. You know, the picnic areas. There will be games, prize food and people. It would be super if some of you guys could bring food, and maybe even buy or donate a few things to go into the raffle. (a name drawing for prizes) if not don't sweat it~

              Monday, 04-Jun-12 22:45:36 UTC from web
              • !vabronies Yea it won't show it to me unless I have you added.

                Monday, 04-Jun-12 18:33:28 UTC from web
                • !vabronies Aww, I don't have Facebook >.>

                  Monday, 04-Jun-12 17:35:16 UTC from web
                  • !vabronies That's odd, it works when i click it. Well what's you're FB? Maybe I can just send you an invite

                    Monday, 04-Jun-12 04:18:14 UTC from web
                    • !vabronies Sorry about my grammar and stuff. Im too lazy to proof read on this tiny box and typing pretty fast. Once its a sure plan and I make a event for it on FB I'll be more careful about things.

                      Tuesday, 29-May-12 20:15:34 UTC from web
                      • !vabronies (sorry pressed enter by mistake) But I don't just plan a 'meet-up' This is will be a FULL BLOW EVENT! I plan on having games with small prizes, a raffle for some better prizes and good, friends, fun and as much entertainment as I can muster. Now this can't be done alone, I think a picnic at Mt. Trashmore would be nice so if people would be willing to bring food that's be great. I'd also looove to hear some game ideas and stuff~

                        Tuesday, 29-May-12 20:12:02 UTC from web
                        • !vabronies Well guys, im not set on a date yet, im waiting until after AMA (on the 15this) till we really get serious. I'd do sooner but im sort of busy lately. But im going to tell you all now that I don't

                          Tuesday, 29-May-12 20:06:35 UTC from web
                          • !vabronies I think it would be great to schedule a meet up. I just hope I'm not out to sea when it happens...

                            Tuesday, 29-May-12 04:23:47 UTC from web
                            • !vabronies It is nice to see people are keeping this group alive. So what is the plan?

                              Monday, 28-May-12 12:29:52 UTC from web
                              • !vabronies So, is anyone have any say about this meet up not being till after Anime Mid Atlantic? Just because I'll have more time to plan and it this meet up really big, fun and special once its over.

                                Saturday, 26-May-12 22:16:29 UTC from web
                              • !vabronies Ok, so~ Im willing to plan and set up a gathering for mlp fim fans here in good old VB but i'd like to see how many people would actually come first. And i'd LOOOVE to hear some suggestions on where it should be held, though I have a few ideas already~

                                Saturday, 26-May-12 11:09:03 UTC from web
                              • !vabronies So, we need more people to be game with this meet-up if it's gonna happen~ Everyone alert your friends who also like mlp. If we get enough people I'll even organize it as a whole party with games, food, music and prizes~

                                Saturday, 26-May-12 21:46:43 UTC from web
                                • !vabeachbronies Anyone going to Otakon this year?

                                  Saturday, 26-May-12 15:51:59 UTC from web
                                • !vabronies We really need to get another meetup planned =D

                                  Thursday, 10-May-12 14:02:43 UTC from web
                                • !vabronies Me and a (non-brony) friend were discussing our plans for a set of audio skits. I'm voiceacting, he's writing. It's a medieval setting, and there's a scene where a horse is ridden. He was suggesting that instead of trying to dig up public-domain sfx, I could just use my two halves of coconuts to make a hoof-trot sound. Thing is, he didn't phrase it like that. He's not that well-acquainted with some of the intricacies of the Brony subculture, so he didn't notice what was odd about the fact that what he actually said was "Instead of looking up sounds, you could just record yourself clopping!".

                                  Sunday, 25-Mar-12 20:44:58 UTC from web
                                  • @crusader8 !vabronies Well the last one, I heard they watched like five episodes.... and some people most likely brought snacks.

                                    Saturday, 17-Mar-12 07:47:26 UTC from web
                                  • Moving up to Virginia in January. Hoping I can land a second job so I can have some more cash rolling in :|

                                    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 14:10:55 UTC from web
                                  • !vabronies Happy Hearts and Hooves Day <3

                                    Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 04:05:41 UTC from web
                                  • !vabronies merry christmas, everypony!

                                    Sunday, 25-Dec-11 23:49:59 UTC from web
                                    • !vabronies No pessimist discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. “Hellen Keller” Merry Christmas All.

                                      Sunday, 25-Dec-11 05:45:47 UTC from web
                                    • !vabronies anyone in roanoke?

                                      Saturday, 17-Dec-11 21:15:21 UTC from web
                                    • !vabronies Woot! Thanks for making the links readable. So much better.

                                      Sunday, 11-Dec-11 06:23:54 UTC from web
                                      • !vabeachbronies This is first time on here in a long time. Come back and I am Admin WTF?! Well I lest I made the links readable. LOL Thank you moongaze.

                                        Monday, 05-Dec-11 16:00:54 UTC from web
                                        • !vabronies Oh, and one last thing, sorry to spam everyone. I've liked the background for this group as well, but just noticed that isn't a normal Scootaloo picture. She's flying the Back To The Future 2 "girly" hoverboard, isn't she. That is totally awesome! Of course it's from Mattel, but, that's ok anyway.

                                          Saturday, 26-Nov-11 02:09:25 UTC from web