Barnard 33
Paul is one of my favorite seasons, so I came to celebrate the running of the reasons.
More details...Ziggy Stardust (ziggystardust)
Happy hearth's warming eve rdnet.
Saturday, 24-Dec-11 18:12:26 UTC from web -
Hello RDN my old friend
Monday, 12-Sep-11 13:24:05 UTC from web -
@scarcity It was back hours ago. However it seems to be down again now.
Monday, 01-Aug-11 20:16:17 UTC from web -
@diskettes I can't open flankbook too.
Wishing everypony a magical friendship day.
Saturday, 30-Jul-11 07:07:13 UTC from web -
Having Internet access at a remote rest house 2000 meters above sea is a godsend, being able to read updates on ED and other pony sites. However it's sad finding the irc pony chatroom I frequent at is deserted atm.
Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 13:46:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@1greg1 added. I don't know what to do with Google+ atm besides sharing news from Equestria daily that everypony probably already read.
@nekoneko918 sent
Monday, 11-Jul-11 03:28:52 UTC from web -
@nvrrmbr added :)
@leonkfox sent. can I add you to my brony circle? :)
I've just gotten the ability to invite users to Google+ If anypony is interested, please drop me an email with your gmail address that you want to use on Google+ at (tamamanii "at sign" gmail "'full stop'/period" com) For your own privacy's sake, please do not post your email address here.
@leonkfox alright, thanks for the info
@@@ziggystardust testing private message
Does status.net supports sending private messages to another user and is it supported here on rainbowdash.net?
@greydragon412 I used to watch FiM for the characters. But later, bronies drew my attention to the plot.
@extremedash I haven't seen it. After looking it up on wikipedia, the plot does interest me.
@colfax replace humans with ponies
Maybe we're living in a paradise that is Earth and we don't even realize it.
Sky high is where the rainbows are.
Saturday, 25-Jun-11 12:31:50 UTC from web -
The princess kept view on the towers of Canterlot when then two riders - a bouncing pink joker and the other a thief with rainbow coloured mane - approaches.
Friday, 24-Jun-11 14:36:47 UTC from web -
@thelastgherkin we're bi-winning
Happy Summer Sun Celebration everypony!
@sprinklesky it's alright. my friends are going to watch green lantern which I decided not to see.
spent whole of Sunday reading comments on ED
Sunday, 19-Jun-11 14:15:10 UTC from web -
something pleasant
do bronies get a share of summer friends?
Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 15:17:09 UTC from web -
pony pins has arrived. yay
Friday, 10-Jun-11 20:23:13 UTC from web -
@carcinopony but it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must clean