awl's favorite notices, page 2

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  1. .

    Thursday, 07-Dec-17 00:12:53 UTC from web in context
  2. Shhhh, I'm hiding in Twilights christmas tree...she doesn't know yet!~

    Friday, 01-Dec-17 13:02:44 UTC from web in context
  3. @adiwan yeah like nobody even talks about the time i posted my cock on twitter anymore

    Tuesday, 28-Nov-17 20:09:19 UTC from web in context
  4. @shpuld @obrez you know what would create even more net happiness in the world?

    Killing a bike thief.

    Friday, 17-Nov-17 18:44:26 UTC from in context
  5. @mrmattimation No-one would dare ban me for saying what everyone knows.

    Wednesday, 04-Mar-15 01:35:33 UTC from web in context
  6. Racist whites forced to covert as sex slaves! And no one even cares...

    Wednesday, 15-Nov-17 13:20:55 UTC from in context
  7. @mono At this time I am coming out as a gay furry.

    Sunday, 05-Nov-17 00:28:09 UTC from in context

    Sunday, 05-Nov-17 00:09:40 UTC from in context
  9. How my new # looks like after repairs

    Thursday, 02-Nov-17 19:57:33 UTC from in context
  10. any russians on here looking to collude?

    Tuesday, 31-Oct-17 18:33:56 UTC from
  11. Jared Kushner went to go meet with a Russian informant during the election. Instead he found 54 year old Durgesh

    Sunday, 29-Oct-17 23:27:06 UTC from web
  12. consider this: it should be 100% legal to curb stomp a known child predator

    Thursday, 26-Oct-17 20:07:26 UTC from web in context

    Monday, 09-Oct-17 14:26:08 UTC from
  14. Went whale watching today! [cetacean needed]

    Saturday, 07-Oct-17 03:50:59 UTC from web in context
  15. there's an easy way to tell if the cofe grounds are still good. stick your face in the tin, and take a deep breath. if you become fully aroused, then brew that papaya

    Monday, 25-Sep-17 19:49:55 UTC from
  16. batcave Groucho

    Monday, 25-Sep-17 00:26:01 UTC from in context
  17. @awl we work hard, we dotard

    Friday, 22-Sep-17 18:26:22 UTC from web in context
  18. @awl Ah, we're just Fluffle Puff talking. Messing around.
    It's all... (I'm trying so very hard not to say 'horseplay').

    Friday, 22-Sep-17 17:25:40 UTC from in context
  19. When you stand up and walk.

    Thursday, 21-Sep-17 19:14:36 UTC from web in context
  20. @awl if you keep walking in a straight line eventually you make it back home

    Sunday, 17-Sep-17 20:36:27 UTC from web in context
  21. Don't want to be a fool for you
    Just another player in your game for two
    You may hate me but it ain't no lie

    Thursday, 07-Sep-17 21:30:37 UTC from web
  22. I just hope that somewhere in the world there's a Gabe R. who runs a self-titled gay bar.

    Wednesday, 06-Sep-17 19:10:03 UTC from web
  23. There was me, that is Vriska, and my three droogs. That is Moonman, Gay, and Delores, and we sat in the Local Stop And Soup serving a bit of the old beef stew, trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening.

    Tuesday, 05-Sep-17 00:25:28 UTC from in context
  24. RDN had a heterosexual ban but nobody noticed

    Friday, 01-Sep-17 05:43:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  25. @awl To be completely honest, I'm just happy that there is a conversation like that going on somewhere and neither of us was involved.

    Sunday, 27-Aug-17 22:20:14 UTC from in context
  26. https://Potato https://Potato

    Sunday, 27-Aug-17 03:29:02 UTC from
  27. Hey Seth, its me, its me again. You know who it is already, its me, Seth and I just, I just wanted to tell you something, Seth, I gotta tell you about millenials man. You ever heard about millenials oooweeee they're crazy with their smartphones an-n-an-and smartphones, these phones you can play video games on and stuff man. It-its wild, its crazy and these millenials, dude, they're always drinking coffee man. They get apps on their phones to get coffee, just right out of their phones, Seth. It just comes right out of the phone man. Its kiwiin, its batcaveing ridiculous an-and their Potato Knishesin übers, Potato Knishesin cab drivers and lyft but spelled with a "y" so you know its hip and its just, applein millenials, Seth, its crazy. I'm thinkin maybe think maybe you should make a movie about them or something because it would be real funny but I just gotta tell you. And then this kickstarter, its crowdfunding Seth. They get money from people to design minimalist wallets that are really small and only have one pocket in them and its like "yeah sure great i mean this is a great super small wallet its all that we need except I got two IDs and a passport and a bunch of cash and a credit card to carry around but oooo god forbid". Millenials have all their cash on their phones now. Apple Pay, Google Pay Yahoo Pay, MSN Pay, Myspace Pay, Facebook credits, Neopoints, Club Penguin tokens. It's cherryin crazy, Seth. The whole world out here is going nuts. You got the bitcoin, you got your doge coin, you got your juggalo coin, all these different kinds of coins and its all online anyway its not even real money! I-i-the-these mangoin millenials, they're all just going nuts, man. You just really, you gotta make a movie about millenials, man. I think it'd be a big hit because of all these things they do on their smartphones, Seth, and all these crazy things man its cherryin wild man I cant even I cant FrankerZin take it mangoin Seth (fades into crying)

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-16 16:00:43 UTC from
  28. Chris and I have decided that Mark Zuckerberg would be a worse president than Trump because at least Trump is openly evil. Mark Zuckerberg hides it.

    Thursday, 24-Aug-17 00:25:28 UTC from web
  29. eat this *grabs crotch*

    Sunday, 20-Aug-17 12:00:44 UTC from
  30. @awl ya boy a yob, ay

    Thursday, 17-Aug-17 21:35:22 UTC from web in context