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Movie Bronies

Movie Bronies

!filmbronies films movie movies

Classic or new, obscure or mainstream, loved or loathed - a group for bronies to discuss movies.

Movie Bronies (filmbronies) group


  1. Also "Godzilla Minus One" was outstanding !movies (It might even knock "Shin Godzilla" down a peg on the ranking)

    about 6 months ago from web
    • Also, entirely un-poni, but I dug Statham's "Wrath of Man" !movies

      Saturday, 18-Jun-22 07:20:32 UTC from web
      • Wait - DID Bruce ever make a !movie called "Old Habits?" #

        Thursday, 12-May-22 22:14:13 UTC from web
        • Also I heard from a TOTALLY REPUTABLE SOURCE that Tom Holland and Judi Dench are going to star in a remake of "Harold and Maude." !movies #

          Sunday, 21-Mar-21 16:41:31 UTC from web
          • That said, I will now self-awarely and hypocritically say "When is Hardcore Henry getting a sequel?" lol !movies

            Monday, 22-Feb-21 23:58:19 UTC from web
            • And speaking of, I quite recommended "Man of Tai Chi." Keanu plays the antagonist, and he produced it as a star vehicle for his longtime stunt double. Cool stuff if you're into the martial art genre. !movies

              Thursday, 03-Dec-20 01:34:36 UTC from web
              • I almost love how disjointed "The Snowman" turned out. !movies

                Friday, 06-Mar-20 06:59:11 UTC from web
                • Anyway "Downton Abbey" the !movie was pretty good, I could see myself watching the show sometime.

                  Thursday, 17-Oct-19 03:18:50 UTC from web
                  • "Shin Godzilla" is gorram fantastic and you can't convince me otherwise !movies

                    Tuesday, 13-Aug-19 04:10:33 UTC from web
                    • I recommend "See You Yesterday" on Netflix. Well made and heartwrenching. !movies

                      Wednesday, 22-May-19 18:58:30 UTC from web
                      • Holy crap, Detective Pikachu WAS good! Really good! So much fun, but also pretty weighty. Grand visuals. But I don't think I saw a Ninetales, so... C-. (totally just kidding the letter grade) !movies

                        Thursday, 16-May-19 03:52:01 UTC from web
                        • So, now that the Endgame # moratorium has passed, is Reddit screaming at its own ass over black Capt America? !movies

                          Thursday, 09-May-19 00:49:16 UTC from web
                        • I just remembered For Honor. The video game where you could live out your fantasy of being a knight and play with a sword. Alternatively a Viking or ?Samurai? if you were one of 'those' people.

                          I would really like a game like that on the Nintendo Switch, but focused on couch-play instead of whatever For Honor's main aim was.

                          Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 23:04:15 UTC from web
                        • Kind of want to see a "Langoliers" remake. Or, re-adaptation. Cool story, iffy miniseries. Could stand a do-over. !movies

                          Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 23:02:34 UTC from web
                        • Haha I totally see why Captain Marvel Fluffle Puffed off useless, xenophobic, MRA cucks so badly, but I rather enjoyed it. !movies

                          Tuesday, 09-Apr-19 04:48:28 UTC from web
                        • "Shin Godzilla" is my new favorite !movie because it is all about a group of renegade low- and mid-level bureaucrats bucking the system to actually get something done in the face of obvious impending disaster that the officials refuse to move on.

                          Saturday, 09-Mar-19 06:06:11 UTC from web
                          • Saw "Glass" yesterday. And, as my friend pointed out, it didn't really stick once I left the theater. I don't know why; it was actually really good. Terse atmosphere, well-acted, solid, steady pacing. Good story, well-told. Maybe it wrapped itself up a little too well. Maybe it was just too somber to want to stick around and play. !movies

                            Tuesday, 22-Jan-19 15:04:23 UTC from web
                            • "Creed II" was worthy. !movies

                              Saturday, 01-Dec-18 00:03:56 UTC from web
                              • "Well, I've got about 15 minutes worth of story, three to seven friends and all of their camera phones, no desire to develop characters, and zero budget. Guess I'll make a 100 minute found footage horror film, and this wookiee jackass in California will still waste his life watching it and griping on the internet!" is probably in no way what the people behind "The Houses October Built" were actually thinking. !movies

                                Friday, 31-Jul-15 04:08:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                • Just saw "The Collection." It was about 10% act 1, 90% act 3. Torture porn horror without the torture porn. In my head-canon, it ties into "The Poughkeepsie Tapes." Solid B-grade, if that's what you're into. !movies

                                  Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 08:24:29 UTC from web
                                • So the new Spiderman movie was good. I like the new Peter Parker better, I appreciated that they acknowledged that he had parents at one point and he wasn't somehow born to his aunt and uncle, and to be honest I don't hold a preference over organic or prosthetic web shooters. But it wasn't *great*. Batman has nothing to fear for summer super-hero dominance. !movies

                                  Thursday, 12-Jul-12 16:44:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  • Just got back from seeing "The Cabin in the Woods." Kind of hard to talk about without spoiling anything, but if you like a good, different kind of horror movie, I recommend it. Definitely R-rated, due to blood, drugs, sex, the whole 9, but nothing was gratuitous, and it handled itself well. Dialogue was up to Joss Whedon's standards, great banter and the like. If you're into horror, see this. !movies

                                    Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 05:13:20 UTC from web
                                  • The problem with classics is that they've almost certainly been spoiled by the time I get around to them. And I can't really complain. I mean, "Rocky" came out in 1976 - Pretty sure that 36 years later, the spoiler phase has ended. But I still can't experience an old film (or book, or whatever) as it was meant to be. # !movies

                                    Sunday, 08-Apr-12 18:19:20 UTC from web
                                  • !movies The Adventures of Tintin was totally awesome!

                                    Friday, 16-Mar-12 23:37:44 UTC from web
                                    • !movies Time to watch The Adventures of Tintin!

                                      Friday, 16-Mar-12 21:31:47 UTC from web
                                      • !movies - From the gringos who brought you "Anchorman." Will Ferrell in "Casa de mi Padre." The funniest movie you'll ever read.

                                        Thursday, 26-Jan-12 23:00:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                        • !movies The "jump-punch" is officially my new "Matrix-fight." I am sick to death of seeing it happen and Hollywood needs to stop it.

                                          Saturday, 21-Jan-12 02:43:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                          • !movies Oh, yeah. Saw "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo." Thought it was good, I'd give it a B-. Can't really review it well here because it is VERY R-rated. David Fincher and Trent Reznor can create some seriously claustrophobic cinema together. Thought it started to fall apart in around Act 3. (Might help if I wasn't two glasses of wine into the night) # # time! Gurer jnf encr. Gurer jnf oehgny ivbyrapr - abg yvxr pbzvp bire gur gbc fynfure syvpx ivbyrapr, abg yvxr CT-13 *ONAT!* lbh snyy qbja ivbyrapr, erny tehrfbzr ivbyrapr. Qvq V zragvba gur encr? Gurer jnf encr. Bu, Tbq, gurer jnf encr... But anyway, I totally called the twist (and, no, I haven't read the book(s)). But yes, there was a definite and brutal reason the original title translates to "Men Who Hate Women." B- (Really wanted it to be better)

                                            Friday, 30-Dec-11 07:53:39 UTC from web
                                            • !movies - "The Descendants." Pretty melancholy for a comedy, especially one set in Hawaii. Guess that's what a comedy/drama is, though, regardless of setting. It's basically the story of an already-fractured family dealing with the type of blows that could drive them apart forever. George Clooney really carried the majority of the film, but that's probably because he had the most screen time. Shailene Woodley did a fantastic job as his eldest daughter, and Matthew Lillard had a surprising role as someone who couldn't be described as "wacky," "loveable," or "energetic." Back to Clooney, I think that the most impactful moments were the silences and pauses, especially just before a line or an action; it gives you time to wonder what's going on inside and really come to empathize with him. Probably not a movie I, personally, would buy; I'm still giving it an A-.

                                              Saturday, 24-Dec-11 09:17:03 UTC from web
                                              • !movies "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows." If you liked the first one, you were probably, like me, pleasantly surprised by how well Robert Downey, Jr. played the detective. He keeps it up very well in this one. The chemistry and dynamic between Downey and Jude Law is nonstop, rapid-fire, and alternately hilarious and touching (no homo). Jared Harris made a great Moriarty, brilliant and subtly insane. The plot was not too convoluted; like a proper Holmes story, hard to predict but not hard to follow. In the first "Sherlock Holmes," there was a mechanic in fight scenes which is also used here (and improved, and played with, and all around brilliantly used). The cinematography did a great job of conveying the subjective perceptions of the different characters. Finally, if you're familiar with the original writings, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised at a certain twist which I won't give away (unless you have Holmsian perception). I dug it, B+. Would see again.

                                                Thursday, 22-Dec-11 20:15:46 UTC from web