Notices by Matt (zeldatra), page 2

  1. father and daughter

    Thursday, 26-Jan-23 08:33:34 UTC from web

    Sunday, 22-Jan-23 19:09:22 UTC from web
  3. I mean imagine living next door to this guy

    Thursday, 19-Jan-23 07:31:10 UTC from web
  4. Now he looks familiar…

    Thursday, 12-Jan-23 08:28:58 UTC from web
  5. in case anyone is wondering if I ever stopped getting these kinds of comments: I haven’t.

    Saturday, 07-Jan-23 02:47:16 UTC from web in context
  6. the honorable (he’s been crying a bit)

    Thursday, 05-Jan-23 20:29:20 UTC from web
  7. If you’re in the UK (or have a VPN that lets you pretend you are) my friend Billie, who voiced Sebas in the final My Little Brony short and will be returning in the upcoming episodes of The Twin Souls, starred in a short that aired on BBC 4 earlier this evening. You can watch it on the iPlayer here: (the short starts at 17:27)

    Monday, 07-Nov-22 02:51:08 UTC from web

    Saturday, 05-Nov-22 13:57:21 UTC from web
  9. this was the only good episode of peter capaldi's run on doctor who

    Thursday, 03-Nov-22 03:29:33 UTC from web
  10. imagine being the guy who made this call

    Friday, 28-Oct-22 13:08:59 UTC from web
  11. I have not watched Doctor Who since Capaldi was there (tried and failed to get through a single episode of Jodie Whittaker’s first season) so imagine my surprise when I decided to check in on the status of the show and I see this

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-22 21:49:13 UTC from web
  12. Step 1: Model your object.
    Step 2: add an empty grease pencil to the scene with the "Line Art" modifier, parented to the collection your model is in
    Step 3: Set the grease pencil material type to "textured" and import a square PNG taken from a sample of your own line work
    Step 4: Set the UV factor to around 700 so that the texture gets stretched along each generated brush stroke
    Step 5: now Blender will generate outlines based on the camera angle so your 3D models look like they belong in your mangoty flash cartoons

    Sunday, 23-Oct-22 04:45:43 UTC from web
  13. don’t cherry this up Konami

    Thursday, 20-Oct-22 17:49:29 UTC from web
  14. Topical!

    Friday, 09-Sep-22 04:32:19 UTC from web
  15. Accurate self-portrait

    Saturday, 27-Aug-22 12:39:33 UTC from web
  16. A friend penned an op-ed for a local newspaper down in Florida.

    Friday, 26-Aug-22 19:45:43 UTC from web
  17. It should be illegal to put two toll booths on one road a mile apart from each other

    Monday, 01-Aug-22 15:44:55 UTC from web in context
  18. .

    Thursday, 21-Jul-22 17:59:08 UTC from web
  19. if you ever wanna pay $100 for a Bic pen, Wacom has you covered.

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-22 01:34:37 UTC from web
  20. things got a bit out of hand in my Sims 4 multiplayer game.

    Friday, 01-Jul-22 05:10:27 UTC from web in context
  21. the replies to this tweet are a prime example of people just not getting that edge is an avenue for entertainment, not the basis of someone's entire personality

    Sunday, 26-Jun-22 21:59:01 UTC from web
  22. Concept art for a recurring villain character (middle), with his sidekick/guy who clothes and feeds him (left). He lives in the apartment next door to Kat and he does most of his evil plotting at 3am. They do not get along.

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-22 08:16:53 UTC from web
  23. (The mouth chart for that. Used to be I would just have one of these per cartoon. Now I sometimes have a few per shot.)

    Thursday, 12-May-22 03:35:17 UTC from web
  24. you will be able to tell which shots I animated with a Simpsons episode on in the background

    Thursday, 12-May-22 03:34:16 UTC from web
  25. …but it gets the job done.

    Saturday, 07-May-22 08:28:04 UTC from web
  26. …it’s still accomplished as cheaply and lazily as possible, though. The chin is part of the mouth graphic and there’s a fixed position for each mouth shape so when I click on an image on this chart it does it all for me.

    Saturday, 07-May-22 08:27:16 UTC from web
  27. this cartoon is so very innovative: the characters’ chins actually MOVE like they should when they talk now!

    Saturday, 07-May-22 08:25:46 UTC from web
  28. @scribus this is an interesting read! Sims 2 fortunately though has a large modding community at (as well as elsewhere for people looking for more, ah, substantive content) so the lost media don’t bug me as much

    Saturday, 07-May-22 01:12:00 UTC from web in context
  29. New PowerPoint just dropped

    Saturday, 09-Apr-22 22:35:01 UTC from web in context
  30. I try to do what I can to remind people that it’s supposed to all be one continuity.

    Monday, 04-Apr-22 05:51:50 UTC from web