Matt (zeldatra)

  1. @scribus I have had a “background check” in progress for two and a half years at DoorDash because of an error on their backend that nobody has ever been able to help me with.

    about a day ago from web in context
  2. I have dressed like a weenie with no fashion sense for basically my entire life and I’m like cool with that but I think people are starting to think I only have like two shirts because everything I wear looks the same

    about 8 days ago from web in context

    about 9 days ago from web
  4. Started Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, the last (officially localized) Yakuza game that I haven’t played. It’s a mostly average game that’s made amazing by the fact that for four dollars you can turn Kenshiro into Kazuma Kiryu and just play through the entire game looking like that

    about 10 days ago from web
  5. Just saw a CNN article with the headline “Cracker Barrel Is In A Battle For Relevancy” and I have to wonder what compels someone to report on whether or not a diner you eat at exclusively during road trips is doing well financially.

    about 11 days ago from web
  6. find some japanese guy who's never seen breaking bad, show it to him, and tell him it's an american adaptation of death note

    about 12 days ago from web
  7. animators having beef with each other is incredibly unproductive because it takes nine months to release a diss, with that being said, man cherry FreedomToons, that guy is a cock.

    about 13 days ago from web
  8. i went to one of those donald trump forums to read sweet sweet cope, but after seeing what people were posting i am now somewhat worried about being on a terror watch list

    about 13 days ago from web
  9. Why do we carry staples in the same kinds of boxes we keep handgun ammo

    about 13 days ago from web
  10. Memorial Day weekend, and in DC at least that means no traffic anywhere

    about 19 days ago from web
  11. In just a few days one of the United States’ two major party nominees will be a convicted felon and it’s still only gonna be a 50-50 race

    about a month ago from web
  12. It’s prom night which means the high schoolers are all in my store having fun and as is depressingly common it’s reminding me how I spent my high school years animating terrible horse cartoons and being terminally online instead of actually having fun with my own peers.

    about a month ago from web
  13. @adiwan I laughed at like one joke in Paradise PD which is more than the zero in the two episodes of Mr. Birchum that you can currently watch (on Ben Shapiro’s website, which I TOTALLY paid for and DIDN’T find it somewhere else illegally). It’s about a wood shop teacher (apparently it’s a character Adam Corolla played in his standup sets back in the 90s?) who’s upset about “kids these days” and is constantly antagonized by a caricature of a 2012 Tumblr SJW. He’s a lot like Hank Hill, except that unlike Hank he doesn’t grow at the end of the episode because the show portrays his “kids these days” mindset as the correct mindset. The first episode has him conscripting his students to do unpaid labor in his house and the SJW character is portrayed as being in the wrong for trying to get him fired over it.

    about a month ago from web in context
  14. Adam Corolla's new series "Mr. Birchum" is the worst Family Guy clone not because of its right-wing politics, but because despite advertising itself as "the show the LEFT doesn't want you to see!!!!", and "too OFFENSIVE and ANTI-WOKE for mainstream television", the show itself is so tame and inoffensive that I'm left wondering if it was a retooled daytime Cartoon Network pitch that didn't get picked up or something

    about a month ago from web in context
  15. You’ve seen him in adulthood… you’ve seen his childhood… now you get to see his first steps. YOUNGER SHELDON premieres this fall on NBC

    about a month ago from web
  16. please get my grandfather away from even the most minor position of power

    about a month ago from web
  17. I’m immediately related to a frankly awful elected official and I will not elaborate on that because I like to forget it

    about a month ago from web
  18. @adiwan I got one of these from my Republican neighbor who was running for local office but was refusing to state his political affiliation because my district was like Biden+20 or something like that. He encouraged me to contact him so I sent him an email about his frankly horrific and cartoonishly evil platform. I never received a response and now I get dirty looks when he sees me walk down the street.

    about a month ago from web in context
  19. Please don’t tell anybody how much money I’ve spent on The Sims 4

    about a month ago from web
  20. @adiwan Kurohyo is probably where I’ll end up next.

    about a month ago from web in context
  21. With Lost Judgment (finally) beaten, that is every single mainline Yakuza game under my belt. I started Yakuza Kiwami around this time in 2023, so I’ve been at it for about a year. …what do I do now?

    about a month ago from web in context
  22. You know, when I was a kid, I thought Mitt Romney was the bottom of the barrel.

    about a month ago from web in context
  23. Working in a retirement community should come with hazard pay

    about a month ago from web
  24. There’s a Tesla in line in front of me at the emissions inspection place.

    about a month ago from web
  25. I just learned there’s a law in DC preventing cops from apprehending people who skip train fares?? Does it apply in Virginia too??? What am I paying for?????????

    about a month ago from web
  26. People say Trump was almost as bad a president as Richard Nixon, but Nixon created the EPA and Trump did everything else Nixon did besides that so surely Dick’s a couple of rungs above him. Aroo.

    about a month ago from web
  27. Adjusted for inflation, Phillip J. Fry’s debit card PIN number is 2019 in 2024

    about 2 months ago from web
  28. I was 35 hours into Lost Judgment before i decided to meaningfully advance the school storylines and i now feel like i have probably doubled my future playtime by doing so, I didn’t realize this game was as big as it is

    about 2 months ago from web
  29. @scribus unironically the dumbest person in The Big Lebowski probably was better educated than any single person in Ijincho is since according to Lost Judgment nobody at this high school actually attends any classes ever. They’re attending dance club, or reading mystery novels in a boiler room, or painting themselves to look like body models and hiding in classrooms for days at a time to steal test answers, or plotting murders, or getting beat up by me on the streets miles away from the school, but nobody’s learning, I guarantee you that

    about 2 months ago from web in context
  30. All of Ijincho only has one school and it’s a private high school, it’s no wonder everybody in town is either a yakuza, a triad, or homeless

    about 2 months ago from web in context