acrylicsplash's favorite notices, page 2

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  1. Dear Princess Celestia- I just found out that if someone asks you "what did you do over the weekend" you do nit answer with just "Ponies". Your faithful student- Steven "Gentle" Margaletta

    Monday, 20-Jun-11 19:58:53 UTC from web
  2. @princessluna when I grow up I want to be a platypus.

    Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 16:21:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  3. @pinkiepielovescupcakes NEED I RECYCLE ANOTHER CARCINO SLAP? @zennx Ready already? Impressive

    Thursday, 23-Jun-11 01:48:36 UTC from web in context
  4. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Signed, your faithful student, Nvr.

    Thursday, 23-Jun-11 01:43:46 UTC from web in context
  5. Here's a little story I remembered the other day I thought I should share. A couple months ago there was this presentation for Grad Nite at my high school. Woo-hoo. Anyway, they had this dancing contest on the stage, and 4 guys went up, 3 of them on the dance team, and the other guy, putting it nicely, competed in the special Olympics. My friend and I thought it was kind of messed up that 3 of them were dancers, and decided to cheer for the other guy. As they danced, yeah, there was a lot of screaming for the dancers cause most of the girls think they're hot (don't get why), but as it turned out, many others had the same idea as me and my friend, and the guy who wasn't on the dance team won! It kinda showed me that even while learning through a lot of my life that people can be shallow, people can be genuinely kind to others. That's something MLP has taught me as well, and has really brought my optimistic side out. Just something to share :3

    Monday, 20-Jun-11 03:30:49 UTC from web in context
  6. @flaxx Yeah, I know. I thought about it before I found my cutie mark and my reasoning is as follows: Even if one day I don't like MLP FiM anymore (yeah right) I'll look back at it as something that was inspiring to me. Something that meant so much to me that I went and did this, something that changed my life. MLP FiM has had such a positive impact on me that it's incomprehensible. I have faith in humanity that we can do good things and we can be good to each other. The community that has come out of this is so amazingly beautiful and wonderful. I cannot imagine my life without MLP FiM and without you guys. My friends, my bronies.

    Sunday, 19-Jun-11 00:54:46 UTC from web in context
  7. I had an epiphany yesterday. I think I figured out a big part of why Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. Sure she's awesome and cool, her musical bits are totally rockin, she's got that "cute without trying to be cute" thing that's extra-cute... Yada yada. <3 The epiphany I had was that she has a life-long dream that she's working hard to accomplish and won't stop at anything to achieve it. She's holding down a job in the meantime, keeping her life nice and smooth, so that she has plenty of time to practice and practice and practice more, so she can join the Wonderbolts. I think the same thing could be said about Rarity, which is possibly part of why she went from my least favorite pony to my second favorite unicorn around mid-season. In a world like ours, where the overwhelming majority of people in the world don't end up in a career they love, or even like a little, that determination and effort is... inspiring? Beautiful? Bittersweet? It's something... And now, off to work.

    Thursday, 09-Jun-11 12:27:38 UTC from web in context
  8. @loak I proudly placed my $60 worth of ponies on the counter! "Ha! Are these for you or for your little sister?" "Actually, I don't have any younger sisters. These are for me. I'll be altering them to make a few customs." "Well, at least you won't be naming them and playing with them, amirite?" "Oh, no! That would be silly!... They all already have names! That one's Pinkie Pie...and that one's Rainbow Dash... and that one's..." XD

    Saturday, 18-Jun-11 06:27:59 UTC from web in context
  9. According to my calculation... I will run out of bacon in about 10 seconds... well, OFF TO MAKE MORE! щ(゚Д゚щ) BACON, WHY U NO REGENERATE?!

    Friday, 17-Jun-11 23:49:43 UTC from web in context
  10. @greydragon412 Favorite thing ever is when someone asked me to play black ops, and I told them I despised FPS games, then went on to say "Besides, I'm watching My Little Pony". Now no one invites me to play video games anymore, and I prefer it that way.

    Friday, 17-Jun-11 23:13:14 UTC from web in context
  11. @mypetsynx Someone caught me on Equestria Daily at school once and asked me if I seriously watched the show. I said "Yes. Is that a problem?"

    Friday, 17-Jun-11 23:16:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  12. @redenchilada You should have said "No, but your mother sure does"

    Friday, 17-Jun-11 23:17:38 UTC from web in context
  13. @pinkiepielovescupcakes Wumbo. Double-Yew, Yew, Emm, Bee, Oh. Wumbo.

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-11 00:45:15 UTC from web in context