Artie Fischal's home timeline


  1. @anypony wht up with all the 15 ways to make ur small kitchen?

    Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:43:44 UTC from web
    • @colfax hay!

      Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:41:00 UTC from web
      • @partypinkiestyle it is suposed to be fixxed now

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:36:13 UTC from web
      • hay!

        Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 02:09:02 UTC from web
      • @hipster hay!

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:21:33 UTC from web
        • I'm a tumor

          Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:17:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • @dimitri butt!!!!! :P

          Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:17:09 UTC from web
          • @iluvzfluttershy hi!

            Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:11:28 UTC from web
            • !cancerawarness hay ponies! its cancer awareness month! join this group to show u care

              Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:09:25 UTC from web
              • hay ponies! long time no talk!

                Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:51:32 UTC from web
              • Sup nerd. Who want's a snack?

                Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:54:54 UTC from web
              • @widget hay!

                Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:55:02 UTC from web
                • how is everypony doing tonight!

                  Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:48:47 UTC from web
                • hay ponies!

                  Saturday, 11-Aug-12 15:24:29 UTC from web
                  • hay guys! i just got a deviantART!

                    Monday, 06-Aug-12 18:12:30 UTC from web
                  • @pyravia i like ur avatar, did u draw it?

                    Monday, 06-Aug-12 18:14:38 UTC from web
                    • hay ponies! i just got back from my trip to cali! I went to disney land and the adventure park and met 20+ bronies! if u were there and saw a girl with a high pony tail and a light blue shirt with rainbow dash;'s war paint face then u saw me!

                      Monday, 06-Aug-12 04:12:19 UTC from web
                    • Hay ponies! want to see and my friends dancing? im the one in the blue! lol we r so bad but were dancing to 20% cooler!

                      Thursday, 26-Jul-12 16:27:46 UTC from web
                    • *walks in slowly*

                      Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 17:24:18 UTC from web
                    • ugggggggggggggg hangover. i do not feel well

                      Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 17:15:12 UTC from web
                    • Good morning every pony

                      Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 17:33:55 UTC from web
                    • @widget Yeah. It does. So does going to look at GladOS's deer

                      Saturday, 21-Jul-12 23:07:18 UTC from web
                    • is it just me or @partypinkiestyle dashes are not on the pub lic timeline?

                      Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 17:27:42 UTC from web
                    • ugggggggggggggg hangover. i do not feel well

                      Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 17:10:50 UTC from web
                      • Oh, come on! It doesn't even say apple!

                        Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:43:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • Dear Princess Celestia, today I almost cried because I couldn't remember the password for @princessunoriginal so I ate a muffin and made a new account.

                        Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:50:06 UTC from web
                      • hay!

                        Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:00:30 UTC from web
                      • Duude maaan I'm gonna get some cake. Invite you all and play some DIDDY KONG RACING.

                        Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:40:26 UTC from web
                      • is ittt nrml frr wordss to blnd tgeter?///

                        Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:33:52 UTC from web
                        • whats evy pony up tooooooooo nw?/

                          Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 04:16:06 UTC from web