Artie Fischal's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • Hay everypony! I'm finally back! It's been like a year since I was last what's the news?

      Monday, 30-Dec-13 06:07:40 UTC from web
    • @sapphiredragon im just chillin today which finally gives me enough time to come on rdn

      Monday, 10-Dec-12 14:32:52 UTC from web
    • hay ponies!

      Monday, 10-Dec-12 14:21:02 UTC from web
    • Hay ponies!

      Sunday, 09-Dec-12 22:48:56 UTC from web
    • It's snowing~

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 14:17:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Zombies are lame anyway.

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 14:12:27 UTC from web
    • Well, i've finally suceeded in dropping my phone. Time to feel like an idiot all day.

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 14:19:36 UTC from web
    • Bye

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 14:06:49 UTC from web
    • hay ponies!

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 13:40:59 UTC from web
    • if the boss i'm fighting is a dwarf, does that mean i'm fighting a mini boss?

      Saturday, 20-Oct-12 21:17:32 UTC from web
    • I'm scared of random power outs.

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 13:46:03 UTC from web
    • 'Sup, bros.

      Friday, 26-Oct-12 13:56:24 UTC from web
    • bye ponies ill be back

      Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:28:52 UTC from web
      • i have now converted 75% of my friends into non-haters! yay!

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:11:01 UTC from web
      • bye

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:11:56 UTC from web
      • mah, after food sleepness. bye bye~

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:11:41 UTC from web
      • hmmmmm, that cant be right...hmmm

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:07:34 UTC from web
      • we need a countdown on this site!

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:06:32 UTC from web
      • until new season!!!!!!!

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:05:50 UTC from web
      • darn it, i still have coughs

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:00:18 UTC from web
      • 15 DAYS!!!!!

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:03:45 UTC from web
      • cool.

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:01:53 UTC from web
      • hey. just joined.

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:00:26 UTC from web
      • @thatonestocking ummmmmmm ok i like the sarcasm! :)

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 15:00:33 UTC from web
      • # i cant see @partypinkiestyle in the public timeline :|

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:29:59 UTC from web
      • # A behind the scenes production still has been leaked.

        Thursday, 25-Oct-12 14:49:59 UTC from web