

  1. Good day everypony! How are you all doing today?

    Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:09:15 UTC from web
    1. @herbalgreen Hey there. Just fine, trying to learn a Stephen Lynch song on guitar, and it's going straight to hay.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:10:28 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx I will! bad thing he will be talking in japanese english and i'm a portuguese speaker XD. I hope the years watching animes in japanese help-me today XD

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:14:36 UTC from web
      2. @flaxx Aww, well I hope you can get the hang of it. Just keep practicing! : )

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:20:45 UTC from web
        1. @herbalgreen Yeah, I sure will. ^_^

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:21:05 UTC from web
    2. @hoit21 Oh... It's you... >.>

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:17:49 UTC from web
    3. @hoit21 Greetings... Hoit.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:20:10 UTC from web
    4. @hoit21 Good to hear. Sleep okay?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:21:06 UTC from web
    5. @hoit21 Just fine. Still trying to learn to play guitar. Me and a friend plan on learning some Stephen Lynch songs and then go out and play them in town just for lulz. You?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:26:21 UTC from web
    6. @hoit21 Do you have practice every day or something?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:31:26 UTC from web
    7. @hoit21 Man, that sounds horrible. Every single day, even weekends? I could never do that, I'm way too lazy.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:34:40 UTC from web
    8. @hoit21 O hi

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:37:17 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon My presence has ruined the chat, I feel awesome.

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:39:44 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon You scare me. >.>

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:41:24 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx And I love you too.

            Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:42:12 UTC from web
    9. @hoit21 Why don't you quit?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:41:19 UTC from web
    10. @flaxx Not much, just got back from a nice walk. Only to end up carrying one of my cats as well... little kiwi managed to get a mile away. Sometimes he worries me...

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:42:01 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon Meh, cats will be cats. :P Oh, and yeah, "love", that... that's what I meant.

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:43:19 UTC from web
        1. @flaxx Yes, but this cat lives next to several main roads... And has crossed at least all of them today no doubt.

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:44:04 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon Oh... well that's awful. He could've gotten himself killed! D:

            Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:45:08 UTC from web
    11. @hoit21 Bah. Get your brain cells together and quit! Nao! So you can distract me from my drawing even more!

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:42:35 UTC from web
    12. @hoit21 We should hire Applejack to round up all your brain cells and make them work together.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:45:51 UTC from web
    13. @hoit21 Alright, now we just gotta find a way to get her here... Hm... Well, that plan kinda failed. >.> Unless you could concentrate (that word brings back memories best left forgotten) hard enough, perhaps you could create a mini Applejack that runs around in your brain.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 16:49:54 UTC from web
    14. @hoit21 Well, if you want your brain cells to do something creative, you'll need to work for it.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:11:28 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Yep! If you want to write you have to write.

        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:12:47 UTC from web
        1. @daisymare hello

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:14:41 UTC from web
        2. @daisymare I don't really want to write, though. >.>

          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:14:53 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx I know I was just making a comparison. I want to write so I have to write if I'm to learn to write.

            Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:16:40 UTC from web
            1. @daisymare Yeah, and I wanna draw and play guitar, so I gotta do that. :P (Goodbye, good grades in school)

              Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:20:11 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx Drawing is important. We need more artists.

                Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:22:25 UTC from web
                1. @daisymare We do? I thought we had plenty. But I guess I have to do my duty, then! Kinda sucks that this comic will take so long to finish. Perhaps I could make it a bit shorter.

                  Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:23:13 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx We need more comics. We need more comedy, horror, shipping, and r34 genres because I love them all so much and never seem to see any.

                    Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:25:55 UTC from web
                    1. @daisymare Well, no disrespect, but you won't see any r34 from me. Or at least I'll try to stay away from it for as long as possible (I'm probably gonna fail >.>)

                      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:27:11 UTC from web
                      1. @flaxx It's okay. don't draw what you don't like only draw what makes you happy.

                        Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:31:59 UTC from web
                        1. @daisymare Yep, that's what I plan on doing. And right now that's way too many things, and I'm not sure how I'll be able to finish any of them. Guess the first step is finishing this comic I'm working on.

                          Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:34:02 UTC from web
                          1. @flaxx I'm working on a serious adventure Fic that has OC shipping between a stallion and mare. Even though I like r34 fic and heavy shipping my first story didn't call for it.

                            Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:35:54 UTC from web
                            1. @daisymare Sounds nice. I don't read a lot of fanfic, mostly due to lack of time, but I've read a few.

                              Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:39:10 UTC from web
                              1. @flaxx I have a collection that I started about 2 weeks ago and is now entering the 100's.

                                Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:40:22 UTC from web
                                1. @daisymare Wow, that's pretty insane. I've read between 5 and 10 or something. And I wish I could sing as well. I love singing, but I sound horrible, so it's not like anyone wants to listen. >.> (Not that that stops me from singing anyway)

                                  Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:42:15 UTC from web
    15. @hoit21 I slept quite good thank you. :3

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:19:05 UTC from web
    16. @hoit21 Of course it's true. I'm the one who said it. :P

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:50:16 UTC from web
    17. @hoit21 I could get used to this.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:52:07 UTC from web
    18. @hoit21 I'd appreciate it if you didn't use the abbreviation when I'm in the vicinity. Just so you know. But yes, I think that would be a nice change.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:55:34 UTC from web
    19. @hoit21 Thank you very much. From now on, your name will be... Hoit.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:56:43 UTC from web
    20. @hoit21 Great, I'm glad you can cope with the huge changes in your life after this day.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:59:56 UTC from web
    21. @hoit21 Have no fear, little one, for the Great and Powerful Flaxx will be by your side through these hard times.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:02:03 UTC from web
    22. @hoit21 Anytime, my dear padawan. I won't abandon you.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:03:52 UTC from web
    23. @hoit21 Hehe, don't mention it. I guess it's my duty to help those less fortunate than myself.[/Morrowind quote]

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:07:01 UTC from web
    24. @hoit21 Haha, yep, that's me. Flaxx, the Morrowind Nerd. Best game EVUR!

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:08:24 UTC from web
    25. @hoit21 It is? Oh, I thought it was because of my charming personality and awesome posts (I'm joking, chillax).

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:12:25 UTC from web
    26. @hoit21 I'm not sure, really. There's gotta be some kind of personality hidden somewhere down there.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:14:19 UTC from web
    27. @hoit21 Huh, where? Oh lookie here! There is something here! *Poke* Meh, doesn't look very interesting.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:16:23 UTC from web
    28. @hoit21 It does? Well then, here. Take it. You can examine it or something if you want to.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:17:24 UTC from web
    29. @hoit21 Uhm... Okay. If you say so. Guess I'll keep it then.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:22:29 UTC from web
    30. @hoit21 Excellent! Your personality is... interesting... as well.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:26:57 UTC from web
    31. @hoit21 Don't worry, you're too adorable for anyone to care about your personality anyway. *Pats head*

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:29:26 UTC from web
    32. @hoit21 Well, more adorable than me, anyway.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:37:59 UTC from web
    33. @hoit21 I've been called many things in my life, but I don't think I've ever been called adorable. And you have, so yeah, you're more adorable.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:41:22 UTC from web
    34. @hoit21 Yes you have! I just called you adorable!

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:44:13 UTC from web
    35. @hoit21 Alright, guess this evens out, so none of us are adorable. Well done.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:47:25 UTC from web
    36. @hoit21 Me neither. See what happens when you don't listen to Flaxx and goes to do whatever the hay you want?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:50:45 UTC from web
    37. @hoit21 It's okay, don't worry. We'll just be unadorable together.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:53:03 UTC from web
    38. @hoit21 No, it sure isn't.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:53:51 UTC from web
    39. @hoit21 But... Now I'm adorable all alone, and you're unadorable all alone. D:

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:55:46 UTC from web
    40. @hoit21 I'm not gonna leave you there. Screw the rules I just made up that doesn't really mean anything, I'm taking you with me on the adorableness rocket anyway.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 18:58:34 UTC from web
    41. @hoit21 Alright, let's go! *Pushes mandatory giant red button and flies away*

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:00:59 UTC from web
    42. @hoit21 Alright, sketching the last panel right now. I have no idea how I'm gonna make this look good. Hm... Oooh, hellooo, Borderlands...

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:07:59 UTC from web
    43. @hoit21 Then why aren't you playing it with me?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:11:37 UTC from web
    44. @hoit21 I have one, but I never play anything on it. Except for some Guitar Hero every now and then. I'm a PC kinda guy.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:16:21 UTC from web
    45. @hoit21 I tried TF2 a while back. It kinda sucked, imo. >.> And I've never played Garry's Mod. But I almost only play games on my computer.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:19:56 UTC from web
    46. @hoit21 Well, lately I've mostly been playing Mount & Blade Warband and Borderlands. But I play all kinds of games, really.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:23:52 UTC from web
    47. @hoit21 Yes. Yes you do. And yes we could. Very much so. Go get it nao.

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:44:24 UTC from web
    48. @hoit21 Alright, but asap. Oh, and I just leveled up to level 49. :D

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:51:30 UTC from web
    49. @hoit21 Awesome. This is the highest level I've ever been. Which class did you play?

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:53:38 UTC from web
    50. @hoit21 So do I. :D

      Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 19:56:06 UTC from web