Whoooot looks like the paper I coauthored is going to be published this year
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 03:36:55 UTC from web-
@abigpony a paper on minimum wage theory
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 03:42:30 UTC from web-
@partycrash That sounds cool! Congrats, dude!
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 14:24:46 UTC from web
@partycrash Congratulations on your paper.
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 03:42:42 UTC from web -
@abigpony there is more study into minimum wage then you can possibly imagine
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 03:51:54 UTC from web -
@partycrash Nice, man. Congrats!
Saturday, 03-Sep-11 16:08:03 UTC from web