

  1. I guarantee you all that I am less then 3/4 sane, maybe less then 1/2

    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:39:00 UTC from web
    1. @muttstuffle NO ONE is "sane

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:41:49 UTC from web
      1. @nightwillow yes but I am LESS sane.

        Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:43:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @muttstuffle you haven't met my family. my dad has bipolar. my brother, sister and I have ADD/ADHD (my sister may also have chronic depression). my stepsister has aspberger's, ADD, and OCD. my stepmom has OCD. my mom has Chronic Depression, and don't even get me STARTED on my aunt (mom's youngest sister. she's a complete nutcase_

          Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:45:49 UTC from web
          1. @nightwillow I myself have or had ever disorder you just named.

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:47:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @muttstuffle self-diagnosed doesn't count, so I call bs

              Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:48:29 UTC from web
              1. @nightwillow not self diagnosed I see a doctor for ICE and depression, I also need help with ADHD.

                Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:49:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @muttstuffle ocd stupefied auto correct

                  Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:50:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                2. @muttstuffle ICE?

                  Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:51:22 UTC from web
                  1. @nightwillow ocd my phone has a auto correct.

                    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 07:04:38 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @muttstuffle oh okay

                      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 07:05:28 UTC from web
              2. @nightwillow Mental disorders aren't a badge of honour, they ruin peoples lives and make them incapable of accurately perceiving reality. Saying you have them when you don't, or being proud of it or self diagnosing yourself undermines the severity of mental disorders.

                Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:52:49 UTC from web
                1. @engelhardt I know. "I don't like doing homework, I have ADD" "yesterday I was happy, but now I'm sad. I'm bipolar" "I like things to be neat. I'm OCD like that" "I don't like crowds. I have social anxiety" (btw, my stepsister also has social anxiety, sorta as a byproduct of the Aspberger's_

                  Sunday, 04-Sep-11 06:55:35 UTC from web