

  1. I hate the buses here. Apparently now you can only take folded carts on the bus, and if you cart is full of stuff you have to take the stuff out and put it on your lap and then fold the cart up. Also now you cant have your cell phone on on the bus. I dont know how we are going to get groceries as it gets colder out, cause I am really do not want to walk to the store and back with snow and ice on the ground this winter. Also they dont have any signs about these new rules posted, you just have to hope your bus driver tells you. I really wished I lived in a big city again, where buses and the rules make sense.

    Thursday, 08-Sep-11 20:36:36 UTC from web
    1. @darklycute Rant some more.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 05:26:50 UTC from web