

  1. Hypothetical question time! I know we've got a bunch of non-furries here (or at least furries who don't attend cons), this one's for you. Would you be more inclined to attend a furry convention if it ran an FiM track of panels? I'm curious to know. Also throwin this out there for my !atlantabronies, too.

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 23:42:16 UTC from web
    1. @floofyhoof I probably would. But then again, the odds of me attending a convention anyway is incredibly low, so...

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 23:43:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @floofyhoof I'd be willing to go to ANYTHING that had a FiM track of panels.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 05:15:41 UTC from web
    3. @floofyhoof I've gone to a convention for one panel before. It'd have to be a cheap and conveniently located con tho.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 11:33:01 UTC from web
    4. @floofyhoof I would go to a furry con just to go because it would be hilarious

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 15:42:57 UTC from web