

  1. Let's see I can only speak English ( Speak , write & read English since I'm Chinese-American ) & Chinese ( Cantonese Only , but can't read or write Chinese :( ) :D

    Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:54:13 UTC from web
    1. @lyokotravels I'm fluent in english, bad english, and, if I get really p!55ed off, Klingon.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:56:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax I know this one girl, who was a major Harry Potter fan, would try to have a British accent whenever she got angry. Later in life she started dressing all emo and I don't know what happened to her after that.

        Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:57:31 UTC from web
        1. @ponybis For extra context I live in Indiana, US and this girl has never been abroad.

          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:58:02 UTC from web
          1. @ponybis A lot of Americans try doing a British accent at me when I go there. I've taken to replying in the most redneck voice I can muster.

            Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:01:31 UTC from web
            1. @theowl we silly 'Mericans.

              Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:03:42 UTC from web
              1. @madflavors I wouldn't mind but it's always "ALRIGHT CHUM OI'M BRITISH WE'RE GONNA GO MAKE SUM TEA AND EYTE CRUMPATS NOW, WOT WOT PIP PIP TALLY HO"

                Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:04:45 UTC from web
                1. @theowl oh yea most Americans don't make for the best travelers

                  Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:06:15 UTC from web
            2. @theowl Yeah, us Americans take pride in our social equality and acceptance.

              Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:05:18 UTC from web
      2. @colfax Ok , I'm fluent in speaking perfect English ( I do correct myself even when I'm speaking …

        Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:59:31 UTC from web
        1. @lyokotravels What is perfect English? As far as I'm aware English is a subjective and changeable language only standardized through Webster and pseudo-intellectuals.

          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:02:22 UTC from web
          1. @ponybis Eeyup that pretty much sums it up ... But I still make mistakes …

            Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:05:13 UTC from web
        2. @lyokotravels Hey, been wondering; are you a fan of Code Lyoko?

          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:04:23 UTC from web
    2. @lyokotravels 不好

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:56:43 UTC from web
      1. @macpony55 I know it's not good , since I didn't go to chinese school when I was young … by the way I ask my parents to read the notice u just sent we so yahh

        Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:01:27 UTC from web
        1. @lyokotravels I'm a little behind in my class, I didn't try my first year so I'm having to catch up on a couple hundred words

          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:03:44 UTC from web
          1. @macpony55 Ok … I'm not sure how many English word I know but there millions of words in my head …

            Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:06:23 UTC from web
            1. @lyokotravels yeah, English is a little easier since there is a set alphabet that can be used for every word, not like that in Chinese

              Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:08:37 UTC from web
              1. @macpony55 Pin Yin is cool too.

                Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:09:10 UTC from web
                1. @ponybis yes, and that is what allows me to type in Chinese, but if your trying to write or read and you don't know the character, it's not like you can just figure it out using roots and letters like you can in most languages, there are some radicals but they are always put with something else

                  Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:11:55 UTC from web
              2. @macpony55 I know Chinese that you have to remebr where to put a strok for a Chinese character and there's billions of Characters & words you need to remember in your head.

                Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:11:30 UTC from web
                1. @lyokotravels Remember*

                  Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:11:54 UTC from web
                  1. @lyokotravels yeah, one stroke could change the meaning of the word, I'm developing a very photographic memory thanks to that

                    Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:13:01 UTC from web
                    1. @macpony55 Yahh , even tho I don't write or read Chinese I understand how it works, thanks to my grandparents :)

                      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:14:25 UTC from web
                      1. @lyokotravels well understanding the culture and how it all works is half of it, the language is extremely formal

                        Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:15:51 UTC from web
                        1. @macpony55 I know since my family is 100% from the Canton region of China … I will never lose the culture since I got influenced by it when I was little from my parents & family =)

                          Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:17:53 UTC from web
                          1. @lyokotravels 那很好(that's good), I really enjoy the culture just because it is so different from America

                            Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:19:55 UTC from web
                            1. @macpony55 I know me too , but I like to mix cultures American Culture + Chinese Culture = so that I'm diverse in a way, that I can't explain it ?

                              Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:23:10 UTC from web
                              1. @lyokotravels they are very different which makes it hard to blend

                                Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:29:35 UTC from web
                                1. @macpony55 I know , after 16 years living in The United States I have perfected it. it took me 9 years to get it right that a lot of people liked my personality most of the the :)

                                  Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:33:28 UTC from web
                                  1. @lyokotravels well that's really good, well i'm off to bed, night!

                                    Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:35:00 UTC from web
                                    1. @macpony55 Good Night ^^

                                      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:36:29 UTC from web
    3. @lyokotravels I can speak pig latin.

      Saturday, 10-Sep-11 03:56:48 UTC from web
      1. @ladestitute Interseting …

        Saturday, 10-Sep-11 04:00:01 UTC from web