

  1. so apparantly this person is now a brony.... joy

    Monday, 12-Sep-11 00:10:43 UTC from web
    1. @heartstring And? I don't care who it is, people can like what they want.

      Monday, 12-Sep-11 00:12:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @redenchilada He is just the kind of person who reflect badly on the community he is a part of. Usually I wouldn't care, but in his case I think that it sets a BAD example of what we are all like...

        Monday, 12-Sep-11 00:14:27 UTC from web
        1. @heartstring Hey, haters gonna hate. I don't see how a rational person would judge a community based on a single person, and either way, this guy having any sort of publicity is just stupid.

          Monday, 12-Sep-11 00:15:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @redenchilada Maybe...

            Monday, 12-Sep-11 00:16:45 UTC from web