

  1. Things my subconcious apparently really likes: Christian Bale, Shooting people, Ponies, Space.

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:08:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Wow, that was quite the dream! I had one that really werided me out recently, and it made no coherent sense whatsoever. Did you see the posts about that, by chance?

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:16:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox I don't remember that at all, which is odd, because dreams normally fascinate me. When was it?

        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:19:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark I posted the text somewhere else, let me fetch and copy it a second.

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:22:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @ceruleanspark Here's the entire summary of the dream ,good thing I posted it to my LiveJournal. *******************************************************It makes no coherent sense whatsoever. I start off in a theme park that's built near my local ASDA, then I somehow end up in the 1940's as World War II starts, running away from holocaust bombs (even though to my knowledge the holocaust didn't start right away) it would occasionally cut to two ponies living on a giant ice tower in a scenario and place totally unrelated to anything (no, not the FiM variety) As we're initially running away from the bombs everyone in my group ends up in a giant clothes store, and some collectible toys are there, and I end up talking about some Thomas (Railway Series) things I saw, said I watched "the show" (didn't come around 'till the 80's) and we had a brief conversation about it, I even said how odd it was from my perspective to see the franchise so far back in history...(cont)

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:26:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        3. @ceruleanspark when the dream was set as if that was present time, and even weirder was the fact this kid casually had this conversation as bombs were falling. Is my sub concious trying to tell me that I'm a crazy son of a bit...colt or what? Also a giant komodo dragon started appearing at one point, attacked a panther vociously as I ran away, and then I was back in the theme park headed home. Seriously, who needs crack and getting high when you can have dreams like mine?

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:26:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        4. @ceruleanspark Aand that's it in a nutshell. My sub concious secretly thinks I'm crazy ^^;

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:26:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @leonkfox Was that the one about the warzone/theme park?

        Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:22:52 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Eeyup.

          Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:27:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @ceruleanspark Well, if my S2 dream the other night is owt go by, my subconscious seems to like: Rainbow Dash, Ambiguous plots, !hugs, happy endings, Steve Buscemi. It does not seem to like: Fairgrounds, my brother, mind-altering spider creatures, pastel-coloured characters losing hope/eyesight, hotels.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 10:20:30 UTC from web