

  1. @scribus Why are there 4 california brony groups? D:

    Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:11:18 UTC from web
    1. @gangstashy Because we need ten, but we're not there yet. :-|

      Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:12:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @scribus Why do we need ten? Are there really that many? ._.

        Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:13:44 UTC from web
        1. @gangstashy As far as I know, only the four. But I think everypony should start a California group - even non-residents!

          Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:15:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @scribus Everypony is a California Pony!

            Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:24:42 UTC from web
            1. @gangstashy ~I wish they all could be California bronies~

              Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:33:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @thatonepony YES YOU ARE.

      Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:25:52 UTC from web
      1. @gangstashy You can't force me to be something I'm not!

        Thursday, 15-Sep-11 08:26:58 UTC from web
        1. @knoxemerald I'm not forcing you to be anything. I'm stating a fact. Everypony is a California pony.

          Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:00:09 UTC from web
          1. @gangstashy haha I was going for a Boondocks reference.

            Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:02:17 UTC from web
            1. @knoxemerald *does not watch the Boondocks* :<

              Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:10:38 UTC from web
              1. @gangstashy I haven't watched it in forever so don't feel bad. Night!

                Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:12:41 UTC from web
                1. @knoxemerald I'm assuming you've laughed your apples off at this, then?

                  Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:15:57 UTC from web
                  1. @gangstashy Yes, I laughed so hard at that. It was so well done.

                    Friday, 16-Sep-11 05:03:12 UTC from web
    3. @thatonepony you can't hide what's inside.

      Thursday, 15-Sep-11 09:00:34 UTC from web