

  1. So I probably don't have rabies which is totally good to hear from a medical professional. # #

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:48:08 UTC from web
    1. @communistprime Oh my Luna! What happened! D:

      Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:48:36 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves Nothing major, I got nicked by a pup about a week ago. Got really nervous about rabies randomly the other day, so I finally got around to seeing the docs (on something you totally shouldn't wait about). I cleaned it real good and it was a small little scratch from a riled up puppy, so he said I was good. I've just been kinda sick lately, probably a head cold that was developing anyways.

        Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:50:17 UTC from web
        1. @communistprime Oh, that's a relief, although you're getting a cold, which everypony seems to be getting. Luckily I haven't got it yet.

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:51:20 UTC from web
          1. @pinhooves Absolute worst time to get a cold too, when I'm scared about something like that haha.

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:52:45 UTC from web
            1. @communistprime Well, I'm glad you're not seriously ill. Just too bad about that cold. D:

              Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:54:27 UTC from web
        2. @communistprime Enjoy your stomach shot.

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:51:23 UTC from web
          1. @jojo They're not giving me a shot.

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:52:30 UTC from web
        3. @communistprime Wow. good to know you're ok

          Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:53:40 UTC from web
          1. @rnbwdashiswin Haha, thanks. I rather like not having to die, honestly.

            Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:55:54 UTC from web