

  1. @ceruleanspark DARLING DARLING do you and I and @pawnheart want to organise the next !midlandsbronies meet while we're together on Saturday?

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:30:53 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin That sounds worthwhile. Do you think it will intrude on our public butt fun though

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:32:30 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark It's all part of it. It's foreplay. Also Dapples says he's editing the story now and it'll be up tonight, which is probably late tonight or in the morning sometime.

        Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:34:42 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin OH BOY.

          Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:35:16 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark I know! I'm so excited! I've never been so excited!

            Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:36:30 UTC from web
    2. @rotation I have a telephone with speakerphone?

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:35:32 UTC from web
    3. @rotation Probably for the best. You'd probably hear loads of really sticky noises if you were on the phone with us.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 17:44:53 UTC from web
    4. @rotation And see unseeable things.

      Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 18:19:44 UTC from web