

  1. Jagermeister is awesome.

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:04:54 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowrevolver i never got to thank you for my awesome sketch that you did. they all turned out amazing you have quite the talent

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:07:06 UTC from web
      1. @madflavorsthemanofmanyavatars Thanks for reminding me I have to sketch. I was at the hospital all day though, so I'm drained. =_=

        Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:08:10 UTC from web
        1. @jinny ewwwwwww hospitals....not fun sorry to hear you had to be in one

          Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:09:06 UTC from web
      2. @madflavorsthemanofmanyavatars Awwww you're welcome!! x3 And, thank you so much. ;-; <33

        Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:09:57 UTC from web
        1. @rainbowrevolver no problem

          Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:12:03 UTC from web