

  1. Hello everypony, and how are you all doing today? :)

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:06:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @tallbrony91 Sleepy, you?

      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:06:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Same lol but good thanks. :D

        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:07:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @tallbrony91 Alright thanks! How are you doing?

      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:08:09 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart I'm doing good thanks man just a bit tired lol, been cleaning up my Music File on my PC and it's taking quite a while lol but besides that, I has been good. =3

        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:10:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @tallbrony91 Ah! good to hear.

          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:13:24 UTC from web
          1. @pawnheart And I see that you've got a busy day ahead of you as well, well I wish you god speed sir. :)

            Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:16:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @tallbrony91 Good, probably going to sleep soon since I've got about 4 hours before I have to wake up.

      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:08:59 UTC from web
      1. @fallinwinter Ouch 4 hours until you have to wake up? Well i'm like that as well one side of me tells me I should really go to bed when i've got like 5/4 hours until I have to get up and go to work, while the other side just says "NO STAY UP AND HAVE FUN!!!!!" XD

        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:13:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @tallbrony91 I'm just ADD when it comes to sleeping. "Oh, I should get ready to sleep. Before I do I should check all my websites. Oh, somethings on there. I wonder what that is?" *2 hours later* "Oh gawd how did I get to wikipedia? Why is it this late?!?"

          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:15:44 UTC from web
          1. @fallinwinter Lol that is exactly like me as well. "Right i'm going to check this out and then i'm off to bed" *3 Hours Later* ".....Why am I on YouTube and it's 3 in the mornin......OH SNAP I WAKE UP IN TWO HOURS TIME!!!!!" XD

            Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:18:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop