

  1. @tallbrony91 Cool! Where'll they be posted?

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:28:59 UTC from web
    1. @pawnheart Hopefully on the webiste that I work for which is: and also another webiste called: so far they sound ok, I sound terrible on the Classic Show but that was because I was exhausted lol. XD

      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:34:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @tallbrony91 Cheers! Wanna check it out.

        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:36:00 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Aww awesome stuff thanks man, i'll be posting them up on MediaFire as well, so if you want I can let you know when it's up on there if that's cool with you? It won't be like as awesome and cooler as say like Bronyville lol but it's just a bit of fun. =3

          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 12:39:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop