

  1. Oh, Luna, RDN looks way different on a 9" screen than on a 15" one. o.o

    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:42:35 UTC from web
    1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Is everything all squished up?

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:43:38 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves Not really. Just cramped. No empty space off to the sides, like I used to have.

        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:45:07 UTC from web
        1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Yeah, that's what I meant to say. :p

          Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:51:59 UTC from web
          1. @pinhooves Ah, gotcha. Yeah, it's a change. I also need to re-install !RDNrefresh and come to terms with the fact that my netbook has about 1/4 the power my laptop did. Does. Anyway, that's life, it'll go on. :)

            Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:55:28 UTC from web
            1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac That's the spirit. :3

              Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:56:20 UTC from web
              1. @pinhooves Quite so. I've been getting better and better at it. ^_^

                Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:02:25 UTC from web
                1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac I must say, I like your profile picture. I just finished re-reading it. ^_^

                  Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:03:26 UTC from web
                  1. @blueblaze heh Thank you. >:D Been changing it up for October, I think I may actually be overdue for a new one... Not that there's any deadline enforcement on it.

                    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:07:04 UTC from web
                    1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac You're welcome, JTHM is one of my favorite graphic novels.

                      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:08:14 UTC from web
                      1. @blueblaze It's a blast. I also dug the Lenore ones, even though they're not the same guy.

                        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:13:59 UTC from web
                        1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac I must try to get "Squee!" of "I Feel Sick" soon. Probably have to buy them of eBay of amazon cause I have no idea where to find them.

                          Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:21:16 UTC from web
                          1. @blueblaze eBay or Amazon are probably best-bets. If you manage to hunt it down at a comic shop, it'll probably be overpriced, and I doubt a bookstore would have it. Well, you might have some luck at a comic shop, they might order it for you. OR! Hey, maybe you could check Slave Labor's website! They might have it.

                            Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:23:17 UTC from web
                            1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac I checked out Slave Labor, they had "Squee!" but Amazon had it for cheaper and the shipping and handling probably wouldn't be as much, but the only place I can find "I Feel Sick" is on eBay. Also, all the comic stores near me only have Superhero comics. Maybe I should try "The Silver Snail", they're a pretty huge comic store that may have this.

                              Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:26:21 UTC from web
                              1. @blueblaze Oh, well. Sounds like that's that, then.

                                Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:29:46 UTC from web
                                1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Yep, I'm also trying to be Nny for Halloween, I haven't even started on the costume however.

                                  Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:31:08 UTC from web
                                  1. @blueblaze Awesome! Shouldn't be *too* difficult to get a good one together. Wow, I just remembered, I knew a guy or two in high school who used to keep squares of cloth in their backpacks with different designs or logos or phrases or whatnot on them, and every so often would change the one on their shirt with safety pins, just to be like the comics. :p

                                    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:33:43 UTC from web
                                    1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Hehe, awesome. So I've started looking for stuff to use but I already know that the boots are going to be a grapes to find.

                                      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:35:32 UTC from web
                                      1. @blueblaze Yeah, the boots may be a porblem... But that really should be the worst part, the rest is pretty simple.

                                        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:36:40 UTC from web
                                        1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Yeah, but I'm Not going to make a cleft in them, that would probably hurt a lot. I'll probably just get some motorcycle boots and hot glue some buckles on them.

                                          Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:38:49 UTC from web
                                          1. @blueblaze That'll probably work. For the most part, if you get a costume close, only a small percentage of people will know what's wrong. ;)

                                            Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:43:51 UTC from web
                                            1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Only a small percentage of people will know who I'm trying to cosplay. x3

                                              Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:45:18 UTC from web
                                              1. @blueblaze haha I guess that's true, as well. :p

                                                Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:46:54 UTC from web
                                                1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac I've been trying to get some of my friends into it, so far I've gotten one.

                                                  Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:48:41 UTC from web
                                                  1. @blueblaze Sadly, it's probably an easier sell than ponies...

                                                    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:49:12 UTC from web
                                                    1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Yeah, I haven't tried selling anyone on ponies yet because students at my school are jerks.

                                                      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:52:35 UTC from web
                                                      1. @blueblaze I haven't tried much. One friend I kinda figured would go for it anyway, then she got her husband to like it, and of course her 3 year old daughter loves it... And, another guy who I met during our collective brief stint it the furry fandom. Another bud offered to have me show him some, but it didn't work for him. And I've tossed a bit of Doctor Whooves at my sister, she's curious.

                                                        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:56:27 UTC from web
                                                        1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac The thing is, other then random people on the Internet, I'm the only one that knows I'm a brony.

                                                          Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:58:31 UTC from web
                                                          1. @blueblaze I don't make it too widely known, either. But, at the same time, I don't hide it.

                                                            Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 04:02:29 UTC from web
                                                            1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac I wish I was more confident with this stuff.

                                                              Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 04:08:38 UTC from web
                                                              1. @blueblaze Well, I'm 28 years old, and 6'4" tall, so I've got some serious advantage in taking a "haters gonna hate" attitude.

                                                                Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 04:09:45 UTC from web
                          2. @blueblaze *of=and

                            Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:23:24 UTC from web
                2. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Now if only I could somehow get RDN Refresh on my 3DS browser, then I'd be the happiest pony. :3

                  Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:04:52 UTC from web
                  1. @pinhooves Oh, yes. How I've longed for it on my phone... Alas, it just was not meant to be...

                    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:07:37 UTC from web
                    1. @scribusthehomicidalmaniac Just wondering. If the 3DS can watch movies on Netflix, why doesn't it have Flash Player, so ponies can watch Youtube videos and other things?

                      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:11:54 UTC from web
                      1. @pinhooves I have no idea. Still waiting for Netflix on Android (and hoping it carries over to Linux as a whole).

                        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:16:07 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 02:48:23 UTC from web
    3. @thatonepony Hmm... I did have other things lined up. I'll have to see what else I even have. Confounded computer flipout, set me all askew. DX

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:14:52 UTC from web
    4. @mrn4rmn4rm He still makes stuff you know? Like shirts and stuff,but still stuff. I want that Meat Ghost shirt.

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:26:36 UTC from web
    5. @ponydude2143 Oh. Well. Shows how well I've been paying attention. xp

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:35:43 UTC from web
    6. @ponydude2143 Knowing is still knowing, no matter how you know.

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:39:15 UTC from web
    7. @thatonepony I remember being kinda surprised that people thought any differently of little people, because I'm pretty much used to people being shorter than me. :p

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 04:16:03 UTC from web
    8. @thatonepony No problemo! I'm on Skype as scribus.caballus and totally available.

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 04:18:08 UTC from web