

  1. *exhales deeply* Gotta take things slowly... gonna be very hard hiding my gender identity from the parents... but I have support... and I have several people I can talk to and identify with.

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:31:06 UTC from web
    1. @shydash If you need someone else to talk to, I have several current friends who I have supported through that kind of thing. I can help you if need be.

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:32:28 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon hey wanna see me tear stuff up in grand theft auto 4?

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:32:53 UTC from web
        1. @metal No, I'm watching a movie at the moment. Sorry.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:33:38 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon ah what movie?

            Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:34:18 UTC from web
            1. @metal Cars 2.

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:36:05 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon AW I WANTED TO SEE ITTTT HOW IS IT??

                Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:37:46 UTC from web
                1. @metal It's online, there's a website I go to for DIVX movies.

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:38:42 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon oic

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:39:28 UTC from web
                    1. @metal Sent you a DM with it.

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:40:57 UTC from web
                      1. @mrdragon thanks

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:46:15 UTC from web
      2. @mrdragon Thanks, that's very kind of you.

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:34:06 UTC from web
        1. @shydash It's fine, I understand fully with which you are going through. Just wanted to make sure you knew your not alone, and there is others to help you.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:36:34 UTC from web
        2. @shydash I don't believe I've met you

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:40:17 UTC from web
          1. @fluttershy321 I've been a member of RDN since almost the beginning. I was known as rnbwdashiswin until just yesterday.

            Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:42:55 UTC from web
            1. @shydash You are a old pony with a old man beard.

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:43:49 UTC from web
              1. @stumperman07 my mom is almost done as soon as she is I'll set up a link and such

                Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:45:06 UTC from web
                1. @metal ok

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:47:03 UTC from web
                  1. @stumperman07 she's done finally!

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:57:19 UTC from web
                    1. @metal yea

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:58:08 UTC from web
                      1. @stumperman07 join invite etc

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 02:02:15 UTC from web
                      2. @stumperman07 join?

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 02:14:39 UTC from web
                  2. @stumperman07 Now in a few minutes i gotta do grapes asdfghgfdsa =_= anyways

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:59:16 UTC from web
            2. @shydash Hmm...... I still don't recall meeting you

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:43:52 UTC from web
            3. @shydash Oh and I came here 5 members before you, so you must have came here round the same time I did

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:45:25 UTC from web
              1. @fluttershy321 Yeah, I think you're right.

                Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:47:07 UTC from web
                1. @shydash Do you know who I am?

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-11 01:48:30 UTC from web