

  1. @communistprime Ok... Here goes. NeoMarxists differ from traditional or vulgar Marxists in that they do not believe that the proletariat revolution will come as Marx predicted. Instead, they believe that the proletariat has been so deeply ingrained into the current system that such a revolution will never occur. There are many theories behind why this will not happen. The popular theories include Gramsci's theory of Hegemony which states that the ruling class will make small concessions to the the workers to pacify their ire in order to maintain control. So, while the oppressed celebrate their small victory the dominant still enjoy their comforts and continue their suppression. The second theory that comes to mind is Althusser's Ideological State Apparatus which claims that institutions are used as a form of repression upon to maintain order. Unlike the police state or martial law these institutions inculcate the social norms through mental conditioning i.e. schools, churches etc..

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 18:58:43 UTC from web
    1. @professorequine Cool story bro!

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:00:03 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 hahaha what a story mark

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:01:26 UTC from web
    2. @professorequine So... you're kinda... pessimistic Marxists, then?

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:01:28 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart That is essentially what it means...yes.

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:06:11 UTC from web
    3. @professorequine I shall write up a response later! I gotta go right now sorry. Thanks for the writeup though!

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:03:19 UTC from web
    4. @professorequine Makes sense. Old Marxism is way outdated, along with the old Manifesto.

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 19:28:44 UTC from web
      1. @communistprime The easiest way to sum it all up is this: Neomarxists analyze existing power structures and power structures of the past that has developed laize-faire capitalism.

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:32:57 UTC from web