

  1. God damn it YOUTUbananas The second test is still out of sync, I've noticed the video goes into super fast forward but the audio doesn't, hence why it's out of sync when it doesn't on the RAW video, and also, some of that level got cut off towards the end. I am never going to get this heap of papayas to work. !techponies

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:32:53 UTC from web
    1. @leonkfox Try running it through a video editor?

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:35:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @redenchilada I hate to sound like a n00b, but what difference would that make?

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:35:56 UTC from web
        1. @leonkfox Oftentimes, just reprocessing a video might fix glitches with uploading. Emphasis on the MIGHT.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:37:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @redenchilada Well I'll see if running it through AVS Video Editor does anything, out of pure desperation for this to work. Thanks for the input, regardless of whether or not it works.

            Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:39:07 UTC from web
        2. @leonkfox I remember about 5 years ago when I started Youtube, I used to upload videos that would go out of sync. There were a few possible reasons this happened. These videos were uploaded on an old computer with bad internet reception, and the videos were never rendered from any programs. It's mostly because you're uploading raw files.

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:40:01 UTC from web
          1. @pinhooves So, I take it my best bet is to render the clips in a video editor and upload them afterwards?

            Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:47:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @leonkfox That would be a good idea, yes.

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:51:00 UTC from web
          2. @leonkfox Hello. I had this problem a while back and I sat for a while trying to figure it out. From what I learned, sometimes Youtube has problems with uploading from certain browsers. Like uploading from firefox is much more efficient than uploading from Opera etcetera. Also the filetype was something that helped. Youtube likes mp4's and Avi's a lot. If you knew all of this or I am talking sillyness, feel free to ignore me. :) Hope this helps.

            Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:47:27 UTC from web
            1. @fuschiaperspective I had heard about the file types ,but not the browser specific uploading. I was using Chrome to upload them, I'll install Firefox and render the files through AVS, see if it helps.

              Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:52:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @leonkfox Firefox is what I use for uploading. It has a nice browser specific interface. I just hope this all helps you. :)

                Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:53:53 UTC from web
                1. @fuschiaperspective As I said, I'll give it a try, hope it all works out, thanks. :)

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-11 22:10:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @redenchilada Tee hee! Found you on deviant!

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:37:25 UTC from web

          Sunday, 23-Oct-11 21:40:16 UTC from StatusNet Desktop