The Cabal has arrived.
Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web-
@abigpony Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh weellllllllllllllllll
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:33:53 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@abigpony NNNoooooo!!! DX !ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:34:37 UTC from web -
@abigpony yeah, sister was in love with that movie back in primary school.
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:35:03 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@abigpony I suppose.
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:37:31 UTC from StatusNet Android -
@abigpony I forget if it was that or "Ghost World" that made my roommate tell me I watched depressing movies...
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:40:11 UTC from web -
@abigpony Yeah, I tried to explain it to him, but he just went back to his Xbox.
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:42:24 UTC from web -
@abigpony For playing Xbox or for not being able to grok SLC Punk?
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:45:26 UTC from web -
@abigpony Oh, yeah. He's like that. :p
Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 06:50:49 UTC from web