

  1. Was this the bill that @cabal had mentioned potentially killing RDN a while back? At any rate, upcoming US legislature, I should really probably post this at a better hour for US bronies... So, I guess I'll just redo this later, and post now as a holding place for that thought.

    Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:36:17 UTC from web
    1. @scribuscampbell This is the descendant of that bill, yes. It will kill more or less every website that allows users to submit content if it's implemented and enforced as written.

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:38:45 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Which, in turn, will pretty much kill the internet. Great... Anyone remember how to set up a BBS?

        Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:39:56 UTC from web
    2. @ponydude2143 Oh, yeah, that sounds familiar now. I think this was the one that would have made any pony fans without access to The Hub suddenly felons. Either way, bad news.

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:38:59 UTC from web
    3. @scribuscampbell Meh, you can't just cut down social networks. It's just a matter of moving the servers to other countries.

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:39:49 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos But if they lean on ISP companies, it won't matter where the servers are located.

        Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:41:42 UTC from web
        1. @scribuscampbell Not to you, anyway. But if I offer to take over hosting RDN and host it in sweeden, or my house, or w/e, it won't be an issue for anyone outside of the US to access it.

          Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:42:29 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark I think it's already hosted in . . . Germany? Pretty sure it's not US. Could be wrong though.

            Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:45:23 UTC from web
            1. @scribuscampbell The bill does not outlaw setting your DNS to a foreign provider. I would host a DNS server for everypony to use if it came to that.

              Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:46:15 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark You are, indeed, the Great and Powerful Cerulean. :)

                Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:47:18 UTC from web
              2. @ceruleanspark In simple words, everypony would start doing that, and the economic consecuences would be catastrophic.

                Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:48:33 UTC from web
        2. @scribuscampbell Still, it will be exactly as a dry law. It can't stand for too long, for it will be a serious problem, just for the irony of it. US tries to justify everything by "freedom and democracy". Doing something like that would ruin it's already withered international image.

          Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:45:05 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Oh, yeah, I don't see it passing. But, if everyone stands around saying, "That'll never fly!" and nobody does anything about it, well... yeah.

            Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:46:23 UTC from web
            1. @scribuscampbell It's the problem with the masses. They're useless.

              Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:47:40 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude2143 Yeah. There are simply too many ways to elude such a bill.

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 06:41:21 UTC from web